Episode 6: the wedding

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THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR 100 READS THATS INSANE!! I love you all and any requests please comment how you think the story is going so far or if you have any ideas for a new episode! And don't forget to check our the other FND fan fic I wrote <3

I got our the car and fixed the stupid dress I had on.

I had to wear it for grandmas wedding.

"Doesn't she look gorgeous?" Jonny said

"Yes she does." Adam replied as they both start kissing my head.

I pushed them both off "shut up you wankers, you look like pageboys." I said.

They both gave me death stares and helped a very nervous grandma our the car.

When we got inside grandma went straight inside the toilet.

Mum looked at her. "She's nervous." I said.

Her gaze went to me and her mouth hung open.

"What?" I asked, scared.

"I just haven't seen you in a dress since you where a toddler, makes me happy too see you in a dress again, you look beautiful." She said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

I groaned. "Yes Doesn't she." Jonny said hugging me.

"Get off me." I said, staring ahead as he laughed and pushed me.

We all went into the kitchen and heard the toilet flushing.

"Ok ok brave faces everyone!" Mum said grinning unnaturally.

When grandma came in all she saw was us painfully grinning.


We went into the dining room to look at the food.

"Hey pussface." I said.

He looked at me as Jonny poured a jug of water down his pants.

"OH YOU SHITS!" He said.

The doorbell rang and we went to get it, laughing as Adam went into the toilet.

Our expressions dropped and I rolled my eyes as we saw mr Morris at the door.

"Yes?" I asked, pissed off by his presence.

"Shut up youuu punk rocker." He said, making Jonny chuckle.

Whilst he was talking to us Adam came out the toilet.

"Have you wet yourself?" He asked Adam.

"Yes" "yes he has wet himself." We replied.

"Well you better keep your bladder under control tonight!" He said.

After he gave us a note and necklace he wanted grandma to wear we went upstairs to give it too her.

She was sitting at the dressing table with everyone and Val who was here to do her hair, about to read the note.

We were all laying on the bed, me in the middle with my arms crossed.

"Hello my lovely bride, I would like you to wear this necklace on our wedding day..." Jackie read out.

"Oh Lou of course ill wear it! It's beautiful!" She said.

"Like you in your dress!" Jonny said. I simply moved my hand to hit him in the balls then moved it back.

He grabbed them and scrunched up as I smirked.

"It was my ex wifes, she wore it every day and now I want you to have it, try not to think of her when you put it on, only me, and us getting married." She read out as grandmas expression fell.

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