Episode 3: the piano man

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I laughed as I shut the car door. "I still can't believe you fell over." I said, wiping a tear from my eye. "Will you shut up about it?" Adam said, extremely annoyed. "The one girl you actually fancy in like 3 months, you catch her with someone else, and fall on your face." Jonny said as we both started laughing. Adam gave us a dirty look as he unlocked the door. "Mum, dad?" I asked. There was no answer. I gave Adam a confused look and we went inside. We heard some sort of laughing upstairs that sounded like mum. "They're never up there." Jonny said as we ventured up the stairs. When we got to the top I heard the door open, but I didn't have time to look when Jonny shrieked and covered my whole face and ears with both of his arms. "Seriously?? Pissface every time you do that it's never that bad." I said, pulling his arms away. When I saw dad in just his underwear I put his arms back where they were covering my face. "What the shit are you doing here?" Dad asked. "Umm it's Friday night??" Adam said. "Is it? Oh well me and your mother thought it would be a good time to get in some Nippy Nippy." He said the last bit in a very weird voice. I groaned and turned around, planting my face into Jonnys chest. "Make it stop." I said as he once again covered my ears. "Right we're going to sit in the car for 20 minutes!" Jonny said. "Fine! Actually make that thirty." He said, then continued to make a cringey growling sound. Jonny took me by the shoulders and quickly lead me back down stairs.

We were sitting in the car and staring into nothing. "I'm not talking to them anymore. They knew it was Friday night why would they do that." Suddenly Jim came over to the car. "Hello boys!! And girlllll" he said. We sighed. "Hi jimmm." We all said in unison. The door opened beside me. "Oh hell no." I said, as I jumped into the front and sat literally on top on Jonny. "Shitface!" He said. I had my back leaning against the door and was sitting on an annoyed Jonny. "Umm, were are we going?" Jim said, with Wilson panting beside him. "We get out now?" Adam said. "Yep" "we get out now." We said as Jonny opened the door and I nearly fell, hitting his arm for laughing at me.
"You coming jim?" Adam asked. "Yes in a minute." Jim said. Adam made a face and then dad came out. "Right all finished." He said. We groaned as we came in and mom tried to kiss us all. "Ohh your all embarrassed!" Mom said. "No we're not." I said. "You are! What do I have to do to make you like us again!" She asked. We all looked at eachother.

"I told you before we go we have to wait for the piano tuner to come!" Dad said. "Tell me why you bought a piano again?" I asked dad. "Well why don't you ask your mother why she got a new carpet." He said. "What? That had nothing to do with the piano." Jonny said. The doorbell rang and mom answered as we stood in the hall. She opened the door to a weird looking man and a guide dog. "Oh you've got to be shittin me." I mumbled. The geezer was blind. We welcomed him in awkwardly and mom mouthed something to us desperately. To which he responded in a very sarcastic tone. Mom also started freaking out becuase he got mud all over her new carpet. We showed him to the toilet upstairs and Adam mumbled something too which his response was "you know I might be blind, but I'm not deaf." He said. I stuck up my middle finger "oh how I wish you could see at this moment." I whispered as he was at the top of the stairs. Mom dragged me into the kitchen. "He's not ruining my carpet in the living room." She said. "That's your biggest worry right now?" I asked. "We're gonna have to move the piano into the kitchen." She said.

"That's it almost there." Mom said as we tried to squeak it across the floor. "Ow my ears." Adam said. "Is it loud?" Dad said. I gave him a dirty look as we shifted it in position and I rubbed my sore ears. My hair was up in a high pony tail today so you could see the double mini hoop earrings I had. Mom was going to he so pissed next Friday when I showed up with a nose ring. Even Jonny isn't gonna know, my friend from school is taking me with her to get hers done. I'm just going to miss next Friday. Suddenly the man came back down the stairs. We showed him into the kitchen and told him we were going out. Again another sarcastic response. I stuck my tounge out at him when we left and got in the car.

We had just sat down at the table and we're about to order when mom got a call. "Hello. What? You need a fire extinguisher?? We're coming!" She said. "The house is in fire we have to go." She said. Confused and shocked we all got in the car and when we got to the house we ran into the kitchen to see him, still at the piano. "We're is it?" Mum said. "Where's what?" He asked. "The shitting fire where is it." Dad said. "There's no fire, a man next door needed to borrow it for his garden." He said.

So once we figured out that jim was ok we went back to the restaurant and actuallt got our food. I was eating when we got another call from him asking for the fire extinguisher once again. We rushed home and went into the kitchen and his response was "oh there's no fire. I just thought it would be funny." He said. My eyes widened becuase I knew that mom was gonna kill him. She escorted him out and then felt bad for kicking a blind man out. Suddenly smashing came from the kitchen. We all went in to see the blind man using a hammer to smash the piano. Mom screamed. I shushed her and quietly went over to him. He swung the hammer at my head and I ducked. I looked at them to say "that was close." Then felt the hammer connect with my nose. I grabbed it and stumbled away. Dad then shouted and knocked the piano over, squashing the poor man. Jonny and Adam came over to me and put a wet cloth on my broken nose. "Well this was a very fun Friday night." I said. They laughed and helped me up. To which I just fell down again. "No I'm...im good here..." I said, just as I passed out. "Shitface?" Jonny asked, shaking me. They looked up at mom. "Is she dead?" Adam asked, worried. They all carried me into the living room. To where auntie Val and Larry who had just been arguing. We're having a makeout sesh. They all just stared, whilst carrying my limp body. "Dining room?" Jonny asked.


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