Episode 7: The carpet cleaner

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I shut the car door and smiled.

"No but In all seriousness you should talk to her." I said.

"And say what?" Adam said.

"Can I rub my penis on you?" Jonny offered as I hit him and laughed.

"No seriously." I said.

"Hello I only come to your restaurant to stalk you." Adam said.

"Well Don't say that!" Jonny said.

Adam rolled his eyes as we went inside and closed the door behind us.

"Ello bambinos. Bambina." dad said.

"Hi dad." We all said in unison.

"You want the good news or bad news first?" Je asked.

"Good." Adam said.

"Mums doing lamb."

"Oh! Skill McGuill!!" I shouted.

"What's the bad news?" Jonny asked.

"Vals here." He said.

We all groaned.

"Argument with Larry?" Adam asked.


"Oh god, what was it about this time?" I asked as we followed him into the kitchen.

"Lakes." Came his reply.

"I'm sorry lakes?" Jonny asked in disbelief.

"I know, I mean rivers MAYBE but lakes??" Dad replied.

I got the cream out of the fridge and made a face at him.

"Oh! Guess what day it is!!" Dad said.

"Friday?" I asked with whipped cream in my mouth.

Jonny snatched it off me and put some in his mouth.

"No you pillok! It's my anual oiling day! It's my 10th year!" He said, getting our a can of oil.

"Your seriously still doing that?" Adam asked.

"Yes! Look!" He moved a cabinet door back and forth and it squeaker.

We gave eachother a look.

He then put oil on it and moved it again with no sound.

"Magic!" He whispered.

"Tragic!" I whispered, sticking my hands out.

Jonny snorted as dad gave me a look.

"Oh hi kids! Your poor auntie is in bits in there! Larrys being horrible!" Mum said walking in.

"We knowww." We all said in unison.

"Will you go and say hello." Mum said.

We alll groaned.

"Please, do its for mummy!" She said.

We rolled our eyes and went over to the door of the living room.

"Sympathy faces, ready?" I said.

As Jonny opened the door we all put a sad face on.

"Hi auntie Val..." we all said, sticking our bottom lip our.

"Sorry about the argument with you and Larry." I said.

"Oh lovelies....he's a BASTARD." Val said.

"Uhhh yeah..." Adam said.

"And a SHIT." She added.

"Mum we spoke to auntie Val." Jonny said.

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