Episode 9: Tanya Green

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I sat on the couch on my phone whilst everyone rushed around the house.

"Hello?" I heard Adam say when he opened the door.

I still sat tapping away, unbothered

Jonny came in too the living room grinning and sat down on the couch next too me.

"Shitface will you tell me who's coming for dinner?" Adam said who was now in here aswel

"Oh yeah it's-"
I started, staring at my phone

But Jonny stopped me by hitting my arm

I glanced at him

"Oh yeah I'm not allowed too say." I replied, and went back too my phone

"Since when does that stop you??" Adam asked

I simply held up a £20 note that Jonny had given me too keep my mouth shut and Adam sighed.

The doorbell rang and Jonny sprang up, grabbing my wrist and pulling me too the front door

"Get off your phone come on." He whispered as we all gathered in the hallway.

I made. A face at him and turned it off.

Mum opened the door too Tanya Green, one of Adams old childhood friends, who I'm pretty sure he had a crush on.

Adam was extremely angry I could tell as Tanya came in.

I went back on my phone as mum was introducing everyone

"This is my youngest son Jonny." Mum said

"I'm the cool one." He replied

"He's the gay one." I corrected.

"And this is my daughter Jemima, UGH JEM! Get off that bloody phone, so sorru Tanya." Mum said, trying too grab for my phone.

"Ugh fuck off!" I said, trudging into the living room.

"So sorry she's a grumpy teen." I heard mum say.

"What's wrong with you today?" Jonny asked from the doorway

All I did was stick my middle finger up at him and he went back into the other room.


Everyone soon came into my room, I was Imbetween Jonny and Dad on the couch as I still had my eyes glued too my phone, out of the conversation.

Some of the time Jonny would just stare at my phone out of Bordem then go back into the conversation too embarrass Adam.

"Uhh, lets go for dinner now shall we?" Mum said.

We all went into the dining room and I sat Imbetween Jonny and Adam, on my phone.

"Jemima I'm going too say this one more time, put that phone away at the table!" Mum said.

I scoffed and put it down next too my plate and started moving my food around with the fork.

"Pass me the pickled onions." Dad said

"I told you Martin it doesn't open." Mum tried

"Here I'll do it." Adam said

"Ooo mr muscles." Jonny commented

I watched in entertainment at his struggle whilst putting a potato In my mouth

It was passed over too Jonny who I knew would never be able too do it.

I smirked and went back on my phone, when suddenly I was elbowed in the face my Jonny.

"AH FUCK." I screamed, grasping my nose

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." He said

"Your such a fucking idiot." I said, getting up on the verge of tears

"jem I'm sorry!"

I ran out of the room, truing not too get any blood on the carpet.

"Is she crying? She never cries, Jonny go apologise! Ugh, I'm so sorry Tanya." Mum said.

Jonny followed me into the bathroom and I could picture how awkward the table was hearing our shouts from the other room.


"I just want too help!"

"I said fuck off im fine!"

"Your crying!"

"fuck off!"

Third person pov -the table Perspective-

They all sat at the table, cringing at the shouts from the bathroom

"And she hurts him in...3...2...1..." Adam said

Suddenly there was a thud drom the bathroom and then

"AHH MY BALLS." From Jonny.

Adam nodded and smirked.

Jemima PoV

Soon everyone else except for Tanya was in the bathroom

"Why are we all in here!" I shouted

"We're truing too help you." Mum said

"I'm fine I can handle it by myself FUCK OFF."

I pushed everyone out into the corridor and Jonny managed too slip in and lock it behind him

"Let me fucking help you!" He angrily whispered

"Fuck off!" I whispered back

"I'm not leaving." He replied, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall

I sighed and ran my nose under the tap, the blood falling into the sink.

I grabbed tissue and pushed past him, unlocking the door.

"Such a dickhead." I turned around, I could feel more blood down my nose.

I also completely ignored the fact that jim was at the door.

"I'm sorry!" He said, following me into the kitchen.


Soon enough I got over it and we all sat in the living room eating crumble, I refused too stick tissue up my nose so I just held one onto it

Mum also pretended there was no milk in the fridge so Tanya and Adam could go together and get some.

Though it was very awkward once they left

"Sorry again jem-"

"Shut up."

Once they got back we all had tea and Jonny and Tanya excused them selfs

"How's your nose jem?" Adam asked

"Huh? Oh fine." I shrugged

"Adam I think she really likes you." Mum said

He groaned

"I do aswell." I commented

"Wait, really?" He asked

"Course." Dad said

He smiled and walked out, I got up too follow him, surprisingly leaving my phone.

"Why's the door open?" Adam said, walking over and looking out, something catching his attention

"What?" I asked, looking out

My eyes widened at the scene

Soon mum and dad were behind me, Adam back inside, I actually felt bad for him

Tanya and Jonny where up against the fence, having a....aggressive looking make out session

I watched in horror, and I'm pretty sure mum and dad were aswell.


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