Episode 8: the birthday

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Yooooo disclaimer I'm going to be changing this to jemimas 14th birthday because it's more realistic so ignore the 13th when I get time to fully edit it I will change it all xxx

I got on the bus from outside my school and sat at the back.

Stupid Jonny and his stupid girlfriend wouldn't pick me up from school so now I have to get the bus to mum and dads.

And it's my birthday.

This morning I woke up, and he didn't say a single word.

He completely forgot.

It's my 13th birthday, first day of being a teenager, and my whole family forgot.

Even auntie Val texted me happy birthday

Still in my school uniform I sighed and leant on the window.

At least people at school remembered.

It was dark now and getting closer too my house, a creepy old man sat near me and I tightened my grip on my phone.

He started asking me the usual questions.

Where do you live, are you with anyone, how old are you.

All to which I replied with dumb answers like.

"I can't remember, I think I'm with someone, and oh I think like 3 or 4."

He laughed.

"Funny one you are." He said.

"I try my best." I replied, looking out the window.

I didn't want this man to follow me to the house so I pressed the ding thing and the bus stopped.

"Off so soon?" He asked.

"Well if I remember this is around 20 minute walk from my house." I said, walking past.

"Just my luck, mines here aswell." He said.

Obvious lie but I just smiled at the bus driver and walked, speedily down the street.

Oh this was not happening, on my birthday, a literal 10 minute walk from my house, followed by a creep.

Why did I stop so early?!

I looked behind me to the man who now had his hood up and was quickened his pace.

My heart was beating 100 miles an hour as I looked at him and gasped as I bumped into someone.

"Woah shitface you alright?" Jonny asked me.

I let out a sigh of relief, I was so happy I could cry.

But damn it the man caught up.

"Hi, you know this man? Well thank you for finding her-" the man said,

The dickhead was preteneing to be my dad-

"Uhhh this is my sister." Jonny said.

"None sense." The man said
"He is my brother. Listen you followed me off the bus now piss off becuase I have another older one in there." I said, pointing down the road.

Jonny put his hands sternly on my shoulders and glared at the man.

Causing him to put his hands up innocently and walk away.

"You ok? He followed you off the bus, I'm sorry I'll pick you up next time." He said, hugging me.

"It's fine, just forget it, like you did my birthday." I muttered the last bit.

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