Episode 10: The Two Tonys

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Hey hey heyyy

Okay okay first things first THANKYOUSOMUCHFOR2KREADS

that's INSANEEE and thank you for 3K on the other fnd story I honestly didn't expect ANY of you guys too actually enjoy this shit.

Sorry for the slow updates, my mental health hasn't been the best and usually writing is my tHeRaPy but it's not working right now, I think it's cux IM FRIKIN RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS

If you have an idea for a custom episode or any requests please message me and I will do it for you (:

Glad everyone's enjoying this shit piece of writing so here's another episode for you Lot

I also feel like I should include a picture of her outfits just so you guys get what sorta style she is so here you go

I also feel like I should include a picture of her outfits just so you guys get what sorta style she is so here you go

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Okay love you all, stay safe stay healthy, please message me if you need too talk OKAY LETS GO!

I inhaled deeply as I shut the car door, still unable too control the huge amounts of laughter from exploding out of my mouth.

I managed to get a few words in before setting off into laughs again

"So your telling me, you PAID someone too do that for you?" I wheezed, pointing at jonnys new haircut

"Okay can we please stop talking about my hair now." He replied, angrily,

I clung onto Adam, trying too catch my breath.

This is the most I've laughed in years so Adam was enjoying himself,

"What style did you ask for?" I asked once I had contained myself

"Tosser." He scoffed

"Oh that style." I giggled as he hit my arm and we walked over too the front door, which was opened by someone else.

Mum and a very fancy looking grandma came out.

My laughter died down as I watched, confused as mom lead her too a cab

"Hello." Grandma said excitedly.

"Uhh, hi." Adam said, confused.

"Where are you going?" Jonny asked

"Grandmas going too a party." Mum said

"I'm going too a party!!" She repeated.

"Dressed like that?" I asked

Mum mouthed "shh." At me and I smirked

"Jackie...are you sure I look alright?" She asked,

Suddenly I felt bad.

"Course mum you look....lovely." Jackie relied

"Like an old prostitute." Adam commented as I exploded into giggles

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