Episode 12: the new car

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Hi all!

So all the comments on my last chapter have motivated me too get this up ASAP.

I honestly love you all so much it makes me cry when I get comments like you guys.

If I could give you all hugs I would squeeze the life out of you ):

Here's sHiTfAcEs outfit!

Here's sHiTfAcEs outfit!

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Here's the thing.

Jonny somehow got promoted and won't stop going on about it, he also won't tell me how he got promoted becuase he's basicly shite as his job.

My guess is that he's sleeping with someone, I'm pretty sure his boss is a girl so that's what I think

He also got this ugly ass car which literally has a fucking house on top, Ive been too embarrassed too let him pick me up from school, so every day for a fucking week I've been walking half an hour back from school.

Once we were in the car Jonny passed me his phone

"Text mum telling her we're almost there and I have exciting news."
He grinned

I rolled my eyes

They're not gonna care bro.

I texted what he asked then decided too add a bit of my own pizazz (:

"Ps. Please spit in Adams mouth- jemima <3"
I sent the text and grinned.

Some time later We pulled in the driveway and I poked my head up from my hiding space.

I can't risk being seen by anyone I know in this crap car so I duck the whole time.

"Thank god that's over."
I said getting out

"Haha." Jonny said sarcastically.

I opened the front door whilst staring at my phone

"SUP BITCHES." I shouted as dad and Adam both jumped

"Oh Christ!"


"Alright pussface?" Jonny asked as I looked up.

"Females?" I asked, pointing too the toilet they just came out of

"No actually."

"Oh, dads drugs."
I smiled

He nodded

I said, looking at my phone and taking a chocolate bar out of my bra.

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