Chapter 9 - Exposed

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Nightmare's gaze was met with mine as I reached the top of the stairs. He looked me up and down, and seemed pleasantly surprised.

"Not only did you emerge from this den no longer afraid, you appear more confident and determined. What did you learn?" He asked. I looked at him and then back down the stairs.

"There is good and bad punishment. And whatever is happening down's the bad kind. Nightmare, I think we need to do something about him." I said. Nightmare's contentment was soon replaced by concern. He looked down the stairs as well.

"What have they been doing to him? Golden Freddy has been keeping many secrets." He asked quietly. I shook my head.

"They're torturing him. Ripping out his teeth, screwing some kind of contraption in his head, removing his hands...and they cut him with glass." I explained. Nightmare slowly looked at me and I heard a deep growl rise in his throat.

"Golden Freddy is not very intelligent as of late. He should know that the more he treats Springtrap like a dog, the more Springtrap is going to want to hurt him. Spring Bonnie was doing many correct things with him, and was making progress but Golden Freddy had completely wiped that progress..." He snarled. I was taken aback by this sudden hostility. Nightmare closed his eyes and sighed, removing the growl. He then looked at me.

"Come. I should return you home." He mumbled. I followed without any questions.

We arrived back at the location where Golden Freddy was waiting with his arms behind his back. Now that I knew what this bear was capable of, I slowly began to hide behind Nightmare. Any confidence I had gained was lost in those cold, black eyes.

"Where have you been?" Golden Freddy snapped. Nightmare just stared down at him before answering.

"I was out with Ennard explaining things to him and talking with him. Someone ought to." He retorted. Golden Freddy rose one brow and looked at me.

"Why did it have to be outside?" He asked. Nightmare approached the bear, easily towering over him in a threatening manner. Golden Freddy didn't budge.

"He needed fresh air. That was all." He said with harsh enunciation. Golden Freddy narrowed his eyes at him and followed him with his gaze as Nightmare approached the door. Before the black bear walked out, he turned to look at me.

"Remember what we discussed. I will be departing now, as it is soon time for Shadow Freddy to arrive." He said. And with that, he walked out and melded into the shadows. I was unable to see him.

As I turned, I nearly bumped into Golden Freddy. He had that same nasty glare he was giving Nightmare.

"What did he talk to you about? Where did you go?" He interrogated. I was caught so off guard, I couldn't answer. I knew I needed to lie.

"We...we just went on a walk. He was asking me about..." I stopped. Oh no. Was it that obvious that I was lying?

Golden Freddy noticed right away. He grabbed my arms with his own and drew his face even closer to my own. I had to face a different direction as to not let the nose of my mask hit his own nose.

"Tell me. And don't lie." He growled. I was silent. I refused to tell him.

Golden Freddy was livid. He looked me over as if looking for a way to punish me. I quickly interjected.

"Before you decide to give me my consequences, think about what will happen to you in the future." I stated. Golden Freddy just looked a little shocked, but then that shock turned into rage once more.

"You have no right to speak to me like that. No right at all." He growled. I stood up straight and looked him right in the eye. This made the bear completely enraged.

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