Chapter 4- Friends

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The night brought another storm with it. I looked out and saw that it was dark and silent, and felt a little fear well up inside of me. I could just stay here and scavenge for food...

No, I needed to find these other animatronics. They could help me, but if they didn't, that would be okay. I would just keep trying. Besides, I wanted to see for myself if they existed. It would be amazing to know that the Underground animatronics weren't alone.

I stuffed some popcorn packages into my coils and approached the gaping doorway. I took a deep breath and began to set out. I was immediately met with bitter cold.

The wind was harsher than last night, and bits of cold ice cream flew into me and felt hard and freezing. I shuddered but continued on my way, my side itching but I ignored its pleas for attention. My feet sank into the cold powder, but I still trudged along.

I managed to get to the side of the road and it was a little more shallow there. Again, no humans were out tonight which I didn't blame them for. Anyone would be an idiot for wandering around out here. I was indeed an idiot, but a desperate one.

I looked up at the green street signs that I passed. Every single one. I compared buildings to the picture in my hands, but nothing seemed to resemble it. I frowned, but kept moving along.

I was about to go to the next street sign when I heard a very, very odd clicking noise. I stopped in my tracks and stood still, listening to it. It seemed close, but muffled by the wind. I felt the sudden feeling of utter dread. I needed to hide.

I silently walked to an alley, scaring a stray cat that ran out. I hid behind the dumpster in it and peeked around the corner of it. My body was shaking, not from the cold, but from the palpable fear I could feel. I was so, very scared.

The clicking was getting louder. I was hoping whatever it was wouldn't see me or wouldn't find me. The clicking got louder and sounded like it was right behind the wall of the building to my left.

The clicking then stopped. I still peeked over, making sure I wasn't spotted. Then I saw it.

A pale, white face started to slowly peer over the side. It had huge, black eyes and a black grinning mouth with sharp teeth. White dots in its eyes served as pupils. The cold didn't seem to bother it at all. It scanned the alley, making sure that there was nothing there. If I looked at its face for too long, I felt like I was swallowed by fear and dread. It was so real, so tangible, I was nearly choking on it.

The creature continued searching for what felt like forever before turning and walking the opposite direction. Its clicking was beginning to recede, and I was left with an ebbing sense of relief. I gasped, feeling my core pulsing hard. I slid out from behind the dumpster and carefully approached the exit. I stopped and poked my head out and looked around in case it returned. Nothing was presented to me in the dark, cold streets.

I warily stepped out and began to search once again. I opened another packet of popcorn and began to shovel the kernels into my mouth as I walked, feeling them crunch in between my metallic teeth. I continued along, still feeling the unwary feeling in my abdomen.

It was very late as I trudged through the snow. I began to think about that old bed, how warm it was and how it had made me feel so safe...but unfortunately, I was still outside. Still searching. Still determined.

The hours ticked by. No street sign matched the one in the photo, which had ripped and become a little damp. I still kept an eye and ear out for that terrifying creature. Its face still invaded my thoughts like a virus.

Eventually, I was just too tired. I needed to retreat and gather my senses before going out again. I sighed and began to make my way back to the old house. My side was also beginning to burn and ache, and I needed to rest.

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