Chapter 3

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Remus dropped Lyra back at the park where they met in the morning after lunch and followed her disillusioned till she entered the house safely. He left home after that and sat heavily on the couch. This is too much for him. He always looked up to Dumbledore but now after what he learnt from Draco, can he trust him? Why is he doing all this? Is this all just for the greater good? He ran his hand through his hair and poured himself a glass of fire whiskey.

Dumbledore knew about the horcrux in Lyra and wanted her to die. Now he is understanding everything Dumbledore did. He left Lyra at Dursleys so that she will be grow up without love. She will become attached to the first person who will show her kindness and will die for them when the time comes.

Dumbledore knew about the abuse Lyra goes through and let it happen, because he wanted a person who he can mould into his weapon. Remus doubts whether he actually encouraged the Dursleys to abuse her. But he wouldn't sink that low right?

Dumbledore let James and Lily die, he should have let them go out of the country, but insisted on staying in the country. Did he setup them to die? James was pretty adamant on going out of the country for Lyra but Lily insisted on staying as Dumbledore said it is safe. Looking back he can see that after going into fidelius, James and Lily became a bit distant. At that time he just brushed it off thinking as Lyra came into their lives they have more responsibilities and doesn't have time for each other. But is there something else that he is missing there? Did something else happened that he didn't know?

He wished Sirius was there with him so that he can get answers to his questions. James and Sirius are his brothers in all but blood. 12 years he thought Sirius was the one to betray James. When he saw Peter's name on the map, he wanted hit himself and ran to the shrieking shack and found out the truth. But Snape had to spoil everything for them. He was happy that atleast Sirius was safe but then Molly started yelling at him all the time. Everytime she said something bad about Sirius, he just wanted to rip her apart. Then Snape who taunted him every meeting, that resulted in Sirius running off to ministry when he knew Lyra went there to show them that he is not weak and he can fight for his goddaughter. There during the fight he fell through the veil trying to save Lyra fighting with Bellatrix. He just wished he can go back in time and stop him from falling through the veil.

Dumbledore didn't even try giving Sirius a trial. He is the chief warlock but he didn't even try. He just fought with the minister and left the matter. Did he do that purposely so that Lyra would stay with her relatives if Sirius is still on run. Dumbledore will never answer to him. He just wishes that his brothers are still alive. James and Sirius. He closed his eyes and thought of the moments when they were happy together playing pranks.

Far away in a manor a dark haired man is having the same thoughts as Remus about Dumbledore. Just few more days and he can meet Lyra and everything is going to be fine. Dumbledore will never come near her again, he will lose every right he has over her, just few more days.

The next five days Lyra spent doing chores that her uncle gave her without saying anything. She is so exhausted when 5th of August rolled over working from morning 5 to night 11 with only two pieces of bread and a glass of water. She packed her trunk and sat waiting for Dumbledore. The Dursleys left her alone that day. Finally the front bell rang at 8 pm. She heard her uncle shouting about freaks and went down with her trunk and owl cage.

"Ah Lyra dear ready to go?" Dumbledore asked with twinkling eyes. She just nodded without looking into his eyes. She started questioning him and his greater good from the day Draco said her about him.

Dumbledore nodded and they went to an alley nearby to apparate to the Burrow. He said her to hold his arm tightly and they disappeared into nothing. As usual the Burrow is chaotic, she sighed and walked along with Dumbledore. Mrs Weasley opened the door and hugged her tightly not noticing her wince when she touched her bruises. Lyra didn't hug her back.

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