Chapter 6

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Marvolo looked at the veil as he waited for Augustus to start the ritual. Augustus came to him last night saying about the ritual which can bring back the people who fell through the veil only if they fall by mistake and not thrown wantedly. They need blood of someone who pushed them unknowingly. Bellatrix was ecstatic when he called her and didn't even question him why he wants her blood.

Augustus started chanting in latin and veil started glowing. He looked at him and nodded. Marvolo went forward and poured the blood into the veil. The veil glowed red just the color of the blood and with a bright light a body was pushed out. Marvolo looked as Sirius Black adjusted his footing and looked around confused.

"I'll explain everything when we go to my manor." Marvolo said when he looked at him. "Your god daughter is waiting for you there." Sirius' eyes widened and he took Marvolo's hand without hesitation at the mention of Lyra. Marvolo nodded at Augustus and disapparated to his study. Sirius stumbled a bit as they landed and gestured him towards an armchair.

"Who are you?" Sirius said his voice hoarse.

"You'll know soon." Marvolo called an elf and said to call Lyra to his study. They sat in silence and Sirius observed his surroundings when the door opened and Lyra entered. She looked at the person sitting in front of Marvolo and had to blink twice to make sure that she is not dreaming.

"Sirius." She whispered and he nodded. She ran towards him smiling and hugged him tightly. She cried onto his shoulder as he hugged her back not wanting to let her go. Marvolo wanted to give them privacy and left to the library where Lyra's four bodyguards were there. Marvolo just waved his hand when they were about to stand up. He is not at all surprised to see the Lestrange and Malfoy men here as they are always with her.

"Black is here. She might spend the day with him." Marvolo said disappearing into the numerous shelves.

"Oh, Sirius. I missed you so much " Lyra was still hugging him tightly.

"Hush now pup. I'm here. Now tell me everything that happened and why are you wherever this is? What's happening? Who is that man?" Sirius asked her not giving a chance to speak. She chuckled wetly and looked at him.

"You are not going to like it but you have to listen to everything before going to conclusions. Got it?" She asked sternly and he nodded.

Lyra started with the day he died and how Dumbledore told her about the prophecy on that day. How her friends abandoned her again on his orders the whole summer. Then Draco's letter. The meeting with him. The Burrow and Dumbledore telling her about the treaty. Most of them agreeing with Dumbledore. Then finally Slytherin Manor. Sirius was quiet through out the whole story but soany emotions were passing inside his mind.

"Oh, pup. I'm so sorry for not protecting you. I should've been careful. I'm sorry." He apologized to her.

"It's not your fault, Siri. It's Dumbledore's." Lyra said sternly. "But, it's for the best. I mean, I like it here. Lucius, Draco, Rodolphus and Rabastan. They are nice to me because they want to be nice to me not because I'm the girl who lived or Marvolo's to be wife. They like me for me. They even helped me to get you back but it's Marvolo who got you back. I think I like him, I know it's stupid to like a person who tried killing you just a few months back but he is different. He is changed. He is nice. Am I going mad?" She looked at him nervously.

"No, you're not. It happens. He gave you a chance to escape the people who are using you. He gave you a chance to live freely without any expectations. He gave you a chance to do whatever you want. So it's obvious that you start liking him. I don't blame you and I guess even James wouldn't blame you if he's here. No, I'm sure he won't blame you. James wants you happy and if he was alive he would've surely killed Dumbledore for doing this to you even though you are happy. I don't know about Lily as she is like a bit of Molly and Hermione. But she would be happy I guess that her daughter is finally free." Sirius said to her making her smile.

"You know I missed this. Whenever I feel like I'm doing wrong or something. You were there to tell me that I'm not. I thought I lost your forever." She said kissing his cheek. "I'm so happy to have you back. So so so happy. I can't tell in words."

"I'm happy to be back to you. All these days in the veil. It felt like I'm there but not there. I heard some voices who were calling me but I wanted to be with you and Moony. I didn't want to go. I tried to find a way out. I couldn't but today I felt like someone is calling me and it was your voice. I was a bit apprehensive but followed it and here I am." Sirius chuckled.

"You heard my voice. But how? I wasn't there." Lyra's brow furrowed.

"We should ask the dark lord of yours, don't you think?" He teased her among her blush.

"He is not mine." She told him. "You really don't have any problem with this, right? I mean he killed mum and dad."

"I know it takes time to forget that he killed James but he is making you happy. That is all I want. James is gone, Lyra. I can't have him back. You are here and you should be my first priority now not him. Your happiness is important to me not to the source of it." He stroked her hair. "I know I was a prick during my school days taking my anger of my parents on other Slytherins but staying in Azkaban for 13 years makes a man change, don't you think?" He winked at her making her laugh.

"Are you hungry?" She asked him after sometime.

"Famished." He grumbled.

"Let's get you some food then. It's past lunch time already. Time goes so fast when I'm with you." She smiled and held his hand taking him to the dining room.

"What happened to your hand?" Sirius frowned looking at the scar 'I must not tell lies.'

"Nothing, it's nothing." She tried to take her hand away.

"It's not nothing Bambi. You have a scar which looks like it is from a blood quill. Who did this to you? Why didn't you tell me before?" Sirius asked making her look away from him.

"You were already going through so much. I didn't want to burden you more." She admitted making him sigh.

"Nothing is more important than you and it is you who is going through so much not me. Now tell me what happened." He looked at her firmly.

"Umbridge didn't like me sprouting lies about Voldemort being back so she gave me detentions and made me write lines." She sighed.

"Then she is going to die for hurting you." Sirius swore.

"I don't want you to go to Azkaban Siri." She said shaking her head.

"I won't be going to Azkaban this time Bambi. I know how to hurt her and kill her without anyone knowing it is me." He smiled and kissed her head.

"Come, let's go and meet the others." She said after he finished eating. She ate a little as she was so happy that she is full.

"Are you sure? I was on the opposite side of the war. I think Vold-" "Can you not say his name? I mean uh- well- it's just." Sirius chuckled at her stuttering.

"Of course. So as I was saying the dark lord only didn't kill me because of you." Sirius seemed to hesitate.

"No, they all like you. Everyone helped me to research in the veil to get you back. Rodolphus was do eager than others, I wonder why." She frowned but shrugged. "Come on." She tugged his hand and led him towards the library. Everyone looked up to see a beaming Lyra and Sirius along with her.

"Guys, this is my godfather and almost father figure, well almost cause he is still a kid sometimes." She snickered at his horrified gasp. "Sirius Orion Black."

"Oh, come on Lyra. We know him. You are saying as if we are seeing him for the first time." Draco rolled his eyes but he was smiling at her.

"I'm so happy. Come sit down." She sat with him on an empty couch. "Uh- Where is Marvolo?" She asked them.

"The dark lord disappeared into one of the shelves as soon as he entered." Rabastan informed her and she nodded and went in the direction pointed.

Lyra found him soon in the secluded area of the library. He was wearing reading glasses and was reading a book on dark arts and rituals. He looked so handsome in those glasses.

"Take a picture, it will last long." His voice startled her making her blush.

"Uh- Why are you here?" She asked him going to sit beside him in the couch.

"They feel a bit intimidated by me and don't talk much." He said amused. "So I thought to leave them alone so they can talk freely without fearing that their lord is beside them."

Lyra chuckled. "Of course they are afraid of you. You are the big bad dark lord." She said amused.

"What about you? Are you afraid of me too?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"Well, I used to hate you. Then admire your power at the DOM. I never saw someone so powerful, I was afraid when Dumbledore told me about the prophecy. How can I a sixteen year old girl defeat you? But now I feel safe?" She asked him more than said to him.

"Safe?" He asked confused.

"I don't know. It's like whenever I'm around you, the magic feels safe like home. I only felt like this with Sirius and Remus." She shrugged.

"Interesting." He said looking thoughtful. "It must be the horcrux bond. It recognizes my magic." He said not looking at her.

"Oh" She mumbled looking away from him. So, it's only because of the horcrux. Well, what can she expect? She thought to herself. She is just a horcrux to him nothing else. She shouldn't bring her hopes up. She should've known.

"So why are you here anyways?" He asked her bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I can go if you want." She said standing up.

"No, that's not what I meant." He held her wrist stopping her. "I thought you would spend all your time with Black that he is back now." He said to her.

"Yeah, I actually came here to thank you. I'm so happy that he is back." She smiled at him.

"Anything for you." He said to her. She looked at him not believing his words. Anything for the horcrux, she thought in her mind. "Did you write to your wolf?" He asked her.

"I forgot." She said slapping her forehead. He shook his head in amusement before calling an elf for parchment and quill. "Here " He gave those to her.

She thanked him and wrote a quick note to Remus telling him that Sirius is back and he should come soon to meet him. She let the ink dry and Marvolo called the elf again to take the note to the owlery.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked noticing her grim expression.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking that I have to go back to Hogwarts in two weeks." She grimaced. "I have to be with my 'friends' who will surely advise me how to be a nice fiance and wife. How I should follow Dumbledore's orders and do as he says." She shook her head. "I really thought they cared for me."

"I-" "Let's not talk about it. I'll start crying again." She shook her head.

"If it makes you happy then I'm going to be in the castle too." He said to her.

"What? Why?" She asked him surprised.

"You don't want me to be there." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"No, it's not that. I was just surprised." She said to him.

"Calm down, I was just joking." He chuckled. "I always wanted to be the DADA professor. Dumbledore gave me the job this year and I can be near you all the time so I agreed." He shrugged as if he didn't tell her that he agreed to a job only to be near her or may be near his horcrux. Stop thinking negatively, she thought to herself.

"That's great." She smiled. "I can tell them that you want to talk to me or something and escape them. They won't even stop me as they don't want me to anger you." She smiled even more.

Marvolo laughed this time. Lyra looked shocked as this was the first time she heard him more than a light chuckle. He looked even more handsome laughing like that. She just wants to forget the whole world and look at him while he laughed. 

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