Chapter 22

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"Ok, you can do it." Lyra said to herself as she looked at the mirror. "Just a few hours and you can go back to Marvolo. Just a few hours. Draco will be there."

"Dearest, are you done?" Marvolo's voice came from the other side of the door and she took deep breaths. "Darling?"

"I'm not." She said to him and he sighed.

"Can I come in?" He asked and she nodded but hit her forehead thinking he couldn't see her.

"Yes yes. You can." She said and he opened the door slowly. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned back on his chest closing her eyes in exhaustion.

"It's going to be fine, dearest. I already told my death eaters to make sure their children distract those three away from you so that you won't be bothered by their ridiculous excuses." Marvolo kissed the side of her head near her ear and she shivered slightly. "It's fine. You will be completely fine. Don't think too much. Your dad is already getting anxious enough. You don't want to make him even more worried, do you? He can already tell that something is wrong when you are not looking happy to go back to your first home."

"I can't do it, Marvolo. It might be my first home, but it's not my home anymore. This is my home. You and dad are my home." She hugged him tightly and he kissed her forehead lightly. "I'm so afraid of him. I was so happy all this time I was here. With you, my dad and all others. I just don't want to face him and remember all of that. I don't want that."

"Darling, if you don't want to go on the train, then you can come with me through floo. I'll talk to Dumbledore and tell him that you were not feeling well. You are going to be sorted to another house anyway today and you can stay with me in my quarters which are attached to Slytherin common room as I'm the heir. I'm sure you are going to be sorted into my house." Marvolo said making her chuckle at his confidence.

"What if I go to Ravenclaw?" She asked him playfully and he narrowed his eyes lightly at her. 

"Hmm, then I just have to make sure my quarters are near your common room so that you can come to me whenever you want without any problem." He answered and she laughed some more. 

"What if Hufflepuff?" She asked again. 

"Hufflepuff's common room is near the kitchen and I can arrange my quarters near them." He answered and she opened her mouth again but he swiftly cut her off with a kiss and she gasped at the suddenness. "I know what you are goin to ask but that's not going to happen, so don't even ask that."

"How can you be so sure?" She asked him. "I may stay in the same house." 

"I just know it just like everyone else in this manor knows." He kissed her nose and she looked down at his chest feeling shy. "So, want to come with me then?"

"Won't Dumbledore suspect you for manipulating me or something like that?" She asked and he sighed caressing her hair. "I don't want Dumbledore to make my life more difficult than it is already." 

"I'll come with you in the train." He said and she looked at him wide-eyed. "I can do it for you, dearest. Now, are you ready then?"

"Yes." She smiled at him so brightly and he chuckled and led her out to the living room where Sirius was waiting worried about her. He looked up when he heard footsteps and was at their side in an instant. Rodolphus sighed looking at him while Severus shook his head. They were trying to calm him down saying he is worrying for nothing and she is fine, but he was damn adamant that she is not fine and hiding something from him. He was blaming himself for not being a nice father. 

"Are you fine? Don't you want to go back? I can try and talk to someone and-" "Sirius, she is fine." Marvolo assured him as she smiled at him, but Sirius didn't look like he believed her or her smile and looked at Marvolo doubtfully. "You trust me, don't you?"

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