Chapter 32

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A/N: Warning - Violence, Torture - Mild but still painful. Slight degradation. Don't read it if you don't like it. 



"Albus, what's going on? Everything is just so messed up. I don't know what we are doing anymore." Molly said as she looked at Hermione who sat with her head down. "That mutt made Hermione cry and you just scolded her-"

"Enough!" Dumbledore glared at her and she shut her mouth in annoyance for being cut off. "You don't speak a single word, Molly. You lost the only thing that would've made it possible to control Lyra and now even your eldest sons won't talk to you anymore, Arthur left you. What else do you have that you can give me to help me? Your youngest son is an idiot who knows nothing but eating, your daughter couldn't even be a nice friend to Lyra to make sure she is in control. You couldn't fill the proper role of her mother and now you have the guts to question me?"

"Albus, you can't say-" "I bloody well can say anything I want, woman. You are the reason half of my plans are going to trash. Your children and you just threw her to Voldemort-" Everyone flinched at the name. "-and didn't even care about her. Sirius wasn't wrong when he said how Malfoy is a better friend to her than your children and Hermione. I told you, I warned you to not appear eager to throw her to the dark side, but no, you had to spoil all of my plans and now acting as if you aren't at fault." Dumbledore spat at them in anger. 

"Hermione, I remember warning you clearly to not do anything stupid until the war is over. I promised to give you all the books from both Potter and Black families, but you idiot has to go behind my back and now I had to listen to Sirius lecturing me because of you in front of the whole damn school. Fucking know-it-all mudblood." Dumbledore scolded and Hermione flinched at that name. She never saw the headmaster this angry and it is scaring her more than anything. She wasn't even this scared before summer at the ministry when she went against the death eaters with that stupid bitch Lyra. This is all her fault, the headmaster is scolding her and is disappointed in her because of Lyra. 

"Don't you dare blame anything on Lyra." Dumbledore snapped as if reading her thoughts and glared at her. "It was your foolishness as a mudblood to think that the purebloods are idiots."

"They can't hide books from me just because-" Hermione screamed when she fell off the chair as Dumbledore threw a tome at her head. It hurts like hell. There is a bruise forming on her forehead already due to the large book. She looked at Molly who wasn't even looking at her. She thought Molly would help her, but she was just sitting there as if she can't see what's happening. Ron and Ginny just looked at their hands on their laps ignoring her. 

"You mudblood know your limits. Don't you dare think you know everything just because you are top of the year. If not for me changing your marks every time, you wouldn't even be in the top 10 students of the year." Dumbledore said and her eyes widened. She shook her head not believing his words. No, she is the brightest witch of her age. He is lying, he must be. She is the top of every year because she is intelligent. 

"You know nothing but writing things from a book. But, in real world you have to be practical. Every situation isn't going to be mentioned in a book, idiot." Dumbledore kicked her and she cried in pain. He stepped on her hand making her scream even more in pain. "You spoiled everything. I wanted you to be Lyra's best friend and no, you mudblood wanted more and more making everything fucked up."

"Headmaster, it hurts. Please." She begged trying to move her hand, but his foot stepped harder making her cry even more. 

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't just kill you and throw you out? Huh? Why should I still keep you around? Lyra isn't even talking to you and you even made an enemy out of her godfather by stealing from him. What is your use to me?" Dumbledore asked using even more force and heard a satisfied crack making him smile cruelly at her. "May be, I can just keep you to torture whenever I'm in a bad mood." 

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