Back at Auradon

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Well we are currently in the Limo headed back to Auradon. Carlos's head was on my lap and I was playing with his hair. He was asleep. I didn't really question It I Just let It happen "so how Is everything going with the wedding?" I asked "Oh their going great. And I hope you're going to be one of my bridesmaids" Mal said "Like I wouldn't" I said "Evie had already made a dress for you" Jay said "I had the measurements from the last outfit I made you and just decided to. Just in case" Evie said "Well, let's hope it fits. So who's dating who now?" Well Lonnie and I are together" Jay said "Congrats" "Aubrey and Harry are dating" Ben said Whoa, I didn't think she would go for a pirate" "It actually suits her though" Mal said "GIl and Jane are dating" Evie said "Aww, I'm sure they look cute together "And Ryan Is dating the Queen of hearts daughter" Evie sald "Heather! Wow. What about Uma?" "She's dating chad" Jay said "Oh Chad" "Don't worry, Uma set him straight" Mal said "He's living up to his name of charming" Ben said PIl believe it when I see it" "Well here we are folks" Jay sald "Carlos, get up" I shook him "Hm, what? Are we there yet?" he asked "Yes we are. Come on" We got out of the Limo
"Welcome back to Auradon prep" Ben said "At least there isn't a giant banner or anything" I said "Well, you are going to be staying with Evie In her started castle as she calls It" Mal said "Cool" "And there are some people who'd like to see you" Evie said "Okay then, let's get going" "Ben and I need to get back to the castle but we'll see you later okay?" Mal said "Cool." I said. Jay and Carlos took my luggage to her starter castle. It was beautiful "Here it is!" she said "It's beautiful Evle" I sald "I know, my business is really taking off." "It sure is "I'll give you a tour" -after the tour
"so here Is your room"

"Wow, it's so pretty" "Thanks" "So Just get settled in and I will see you later k?" "Okay" she left

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"Wow, it's so pretty"
"So Just get settled in and I will see you later k?"
"Okay" she left. Carlos and Jay left during the tour. Evie has gone so far from needing a prince to get a castle to working for her own. I think I might cry.
-Later that evening
I had gotten a call from Zed "Hey Z. What goes on?"
"Hey (y/n). Just wanted to check up on you" Well I'm doing fine" "Cool, cool um Wyatt here wants to talk to you "Ok then
"Hey (y/n)"
"Sup Wy"
"How's Auradon?"
"It's okay I guess"
"I bet your wearing a gown right about now huh?"
"Shut up Wyatt"
"I'm just kidding"
"Is that the only reason you wanted to talk to me"
"Nah, two people wanted to talk to you"
"Who and who?"
"Hey (y/n/n)" I heard Zoe's voice
"Oh hey Zee. How've you been?"
"I'm okay. Why did you leave?"
"I'm sorry I had to handle something" "Hey Great Alpha" I heard Wanda say "Wanda I've told you to call me (y/n) or (y/n/n)"
"We miss you already" Zoe said
"I miss you guys too"
"When are you coming back?" Wanda asked
"In a week or so"
"That's so far" they both said
"You guys will be fine"
"But still Zoe said. I heard a knock on the door
"I'm sorry guys but I gotta go"
"Bye" They all said.
(A/n: hey wattpack 🌕 sorry bout the delays but am gonna try and post more. Please just give me time aight 💜 Byeee)

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