this isn't goodbye

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Carlos and I stood in front of the black limo. Every one of my friends were there. I'm really going to miss them. I had already said goodbye to Chad, Aubrey, Harry, Uma, Gil, Celia, Doug, Lonnie, Dizzy and Jane. I guess I saved the best for last. First was Mal. We both hugged
"You better not ghost us again like last time. I may need some advice every now and then” she said
"I won't. You'll make a great queen Mal. I just know it. And if BennyBoo over here dare hurt's I will not hesitate to come here and kill him myself. And same applies to all you boys" I said. Everyone laughed. Next it was Evie
“You are going to be a fabulous Alpha." She said
"And you'll be a fabulous designer, not like you already aren't"
"Take care of Carlos okay"
"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Carlos asked. We both laughed. Next was Ben
"Your Highness" I curtsied
"Your Greatness" he bowed. We both laughed and hugged
"You're gonna make a fine king"
"Thanks (y/n). I'm really going to miss you"
"Same here. Don't hesitate to call if you need advice"
"I won't. Trust me" Now was Jay
"My little sister, going off all on her own" he wiped a fake tear away
“Mcaww Jay, you've really gone soft" he laughed
"Take care of yourself okay. And call me every day just to let me know you're alright"
"Okay I will. I'm gonna miss you bro"
"You too sis" we hugged. Now was Ryan "Hood" I said
"Wolf. I can't believe your leaving me again" "Sorry but I have too"
"Who am I going to walk around the woods with now?"
"I don't know but don't worry. I'll be back someday"
"You better. I'm really going to miss you" "Come here" we hugged.
"And don't forget what we talked about okay?" I whispered in his ear
"I won't" Now was the hardest ones. The twins
"Do you really have to go?" Squirmy asked "Yeah I do. But don't worry, you're gonna be okay"
"We'll miss you so much" Squeaky said
“I'll miss you guys too. Just promise me something"
"What?" he asked
“Make sure to always stick together and have each other's back, no matter what"
"We promise" they both said. I gave them both a long hug
"(Y/n), I think It's time" Carlos said
"Yeah" He went into the limo, I was about to go In
"Goodbye (y/n)” Jay said
“No. This Isn't goodbye. It's just a See ya later" I said. I got in and we drove off to the isle to get my dad
"(Y/n), I'm scared" Carlos said. I held his hand
"It's gonna be okay" I said. The limo stopped. I stepped out and saw my dad with his luggage
"Hey dad"
"Hey my little pup. Is it time?" he asked
"Yep, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be. Is that De Vil boy in there?" "His name is Carlos and yes he is"
"At least now I'll be able to protect you from him"
"Dad, be nice. He's really sweet"
"Okay, for you" he went in
"Mr Wolf" I sat by Carlos "De Vil” my dad said. This is going to be an awkward ride

A/n: I am so emotional right now 😔

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