discharged and meeting again

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I woke up to the sound of someone groaning. Squirmy was awake. I gently lifted Squeaky and placed him on the couch and went to see him
"Hey, you're finally awake" I said
"Where am I? What happened?"
"Don't worry, you're In medic. You had a little accident yesterday but you're going to be okay" I pressed the button to call the nurse "Where's Squeaky, is he okay?"
"He's right over there" I pointed to his sleeping brother. I saw Uncle Smee wake up "Dad?" he asked
"Squirmy, thank heavens. You gave us quite the scare there"
"Im sorry"
"It's okay, as long as you're okay" the doctor came in
"Well hello there buddy. I see you're finally awake"
"Hi" he said shyly
"How are you feeling?" she asked
"When can he get discharged?" I asked
"By this afternoon"
"Great" Uncle Smee said
"Are you his father sir?"
"Good, I need you to sign some discharge papers"
"Okay. I'll be right back okay" Squirmy gave him a short nod and he left. I heard movement. Squeaky was starting to wake up "Buddy, you might want to wake up" I said "hmm?"
"Someone wants to say hi” he opened his eyes and they met with his brothers. I carried him over and they hugged each other
"Why would you do that?" Squeaky asked
"I didn't want you getting hurt"
"Well next time let me"
"No promises" Uncle Smee came In
"Did I miss something?" he asked
"Just a very cute reunion" I said
"Aw man" he said.
"So can he leave this afternoon?" I asked "Yep, everything is set" he said
"l'll get him and Squeaky some fresh clothes. I'll see you guy's later okay" I gave them each a kiss and left. I went back to Evie's and quietly got some clothes for them. I took a shower and changed

“Where were you, and where are the twins?" Evie asked "Sorry, E

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“Where were you, and where are the twins?" Evie asked
"Sorry, E. Squirmy had an accident so we had to take him to medic"
"Is he okay?"
"He's fine. He'll be discharged this afternoon, I just came to get some fresh clothes and charge my phone"
"Good, you should have called or something I was worried sick"
"I'm really sorry E. I have to go okay"
"Okay, tell him to get well soon okay?" "Okay" I left and went back to the hospital "I'm back" I said
"Good" Uncle Smee said
"Why don't you go and get yourself cleaned up Uncle Smee, I'll stay with the twins"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, don't worry. They're In good hands" "Okay then. Goodbye boys" he hugged them and left
"So (y/n/n), what were you and Carlos talking about?" Squirmy asked
"Just random things"
"Then why where you both shouting?" Squeaky asked
"Oh, it was just a small disagreement "Really?" he asked
"Yes. Don't worry about It" I finally turned on my phone and found lots of missed calls and video messages. Some were from Wyatt, Evie and Jay. I checked my video messages

*wyatt's video*
"Hey (y/n). I took your advice and did what you said. I read her some Shakespeare and it was totally awesome. She put her head on my chest as I read. It was amazing. I think I wanna ask her out now. How do you think I should go about it?
*Video ended*

*Jay's video*
"Hey, (Y/n). I wanted to know if you know where Carlos is. He isn't back and it's getting late. Text me back okay"
*Video ended*

*Jay's video*
"Carlos just told me what happened. I'm so sorry. I hope he's alright. And also why didn't you tell me they were your cousins? I feel so hurt. Anyway tell him to get well soon. Bye" *Video ended*
"Jay says get well soon and so does Evie"
"I can't wait to see them" he said
"You will soon" I got a phone call. It was Ryan

“Hey (y/n). Are you still coming to practice?" he asked
"I'm not sure, I'm kinda busy right now. Can we practice later around 1 o'clock?"
"Sure and why didn't you come to the field last night?"
"Look Ryan, I'm really sorry, I'll explain everything later okay"
"Okay. Bye"
"Bye" "
call ended
Uncle Smee walked in
"So are you going to the wedding tomorrow?" he asked
"Yes. I'm actually a bridesmaid"
"Good for you. So you're going to the rehearsal dinner?"
-that afternoon-
"Okay you can go. Here are the pain meds for whenever he has a head ache. If anything else happens call me okay"
"I will thanks" I said. We took them home "I'm really sorry guys but I need to go okay" "Okay (y/n/n)" Squeaky said
"I'll be back soon" I said, Evie walked in "Finally! You had me so worried" she hugged Squirmy
"Well I guess I'll be going then. Bye you two" I left. I walking to the music room when I spotted Carlos
"Hey, how Is he?" he asked
"He's fine. He got discharged today"
"Thank god. Look (y/n) I-"
"There you are" Ryan said
"Oh hey Ryan"
"Hey. Come on we need to go do you know what" he said referring to practice. Mal told us not to tell anyone. News spreads like wildfire here
"Oh yeah. Sorry C. We'll talk later okay" he dragged me away
"Okay, let's begin. Mal said she wanted to hear you singing with the track"
"Okay, let's do It"
-30 minutes later-
"And saved. That was awesome."
"It really was"
"So wanna tell me why we couldn't meet up?"
"Oh yeah sorry, Squirmy got hurt and we took him to medic. I stayed the whole night. I was gonna call but my battery died"
"Oh well how is he?"
"He got discharged about an hour ago" "Well, I hope he gets well soon"
"Thanks Ry"
"I can't wait to do it live" he said
"I'm a little nervous about that"
"Don't worry (y/n). You'll be fine" he gave me a hug
Carlos's (p/o/v)
After (y/n) was dragged away, I decided to see where they went. I don't trust Ryan. Yes, I know about them walking around the forest at night. I walked past the music room when I heard voices
"You'll be fine" a male volce said. I opened the door and saw Ryan and (y/n) hugging. I felt broken, I quickly left.

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