welcome to Seabrook!

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-4 hours later
I had slept the whole way there. Evie woke me up once we saw a sign which said 'Welcome to Seabrook!' We passed some people with pastel blue or pink clothing. Others with green hair and pale skin. There really are zombies
"Here we are folks" Jay said. He stopped the car and we all walked out
"This place is freaky" Mal said
"I like it" Ben said. We all around. Some people just stared at us
"Hey" we all jumped and saw a Zombie behind us. It was the us same zombie in the pics (y/n) were in
"Sorry to scare you. I need to learn to stop doing that. My name is Zed. As you can see I'm a zombie. Are you guys new around these parts?" he asked
"Yes actually, we are looking for (y/n) wolf" Ben said
"Oh yeah. She lives at the wolf den. I could take you guys if you want" he said
"That would be great" Ben said
"Follow me" we started walking towards the woods. was a sign that read 'Forbidden forest. Keep out There
"So how do you guys know (y/n)?" he asked as he led us through the woods
"We're old friends. More like family" Jay said "How do you know her?" I asked
"She's kinda a big deal around here nowadays. Especially after prawn" he said "What is Prawn exactly" Evie asked
"It's like prom, but mighty fish themed. A lot went down but now everything is cool" he said. So it was prom. She must have went with that wolf guy
“Here we are" we stood in front of a cave "Hello, anyone home?" he said as we walked inside. It was a nice cave
"Zed, how many times do I have to tell you to stop barging in here!" a female wolf said and looked at us "And stop bringing random people here too" she said
"They aren't random. They say they know (y/n)"
"How would they know our Great Alpha?" She asked. What is she talking about? "They're a part of her past"
"Sorry, she isn't here. She and Wyatt just went off for their rounds" I hope this Wyatt Isn't the same wolf in those pictures.
"Well when will she be back?" I asked
"Much later" she said to me
"Well, how about I give you a tour of Seabrook?" he asked. I just wanted to see (y/n)
"Sure, just to pass the time" Ben said
"We'll be back later Willa"
"Please don't!" she said playfully
"Okay folks, let's begin"
-much later
We have to all of Seabrook and met his girlfriend. She had White hair just like (y/n). But I don't think their related though
"Do you think (y/n)'s at the den by now?" I asked
"Pretty sure. Let's head back" he said
Your (p/o/v)
I was so tired from the rounds. And it didn't help that Wy wanted to chase me around. I headed back to the den
"I need a nap once we get to the Den" I said "Me too. I don't think I've ever been this tired" he said. We got back to the den. I swear I smelt Carlos's scent.
"Well I'll be in my room. Call me when it's dinner time" I said
"Whatever" he said as he walked into his room. I flopped onto my bed and instantly fell asleep
Carlos's (p/o/v)
We were back in the den
"Hello. Can I help you?" another girl said "We're looking for (y/n)" I said
"Oh the Great Alpha. I'll go check if she's back. I'm Wynter by the way" she said and walked away. I hope she's here. I don't think I can wait any longer. She came back with a wolf guy
"Hi. I hear your looking for (y/n). I'm Wyatt and I'm sorry but she's in her room sleeping and does not want to be disturbed" he said "Please. We haven't seen her in over a year" I said
"So you're the ones she's always talking about" he said
"Yeah. I'm Carlos. That's Jay, Mal, Evie and Ben. Were her friends" I said
"I can show you to her room if you'd like." He said
"Please" Jay said
"This way" we followed him to a very long hallway. There were big French doors at the end. He knocked. No answer. He opened the door slightly and looked inside
"Yep, she's asleep" he said
"Maybe Carlos should stay until she wakes up" Evie said
"Okay then." I said. I walked Into her room. There she was. Sleeping. It really was her. I wanted to hug her so badly
"Wyatt get out" she said
"it's not Wyatt" I said
"Whoever it is. Get out” she said
“You're not even gonna look?" I said. She slowly turned around
"Oh hey Carlos" she said
"Wait a minute. Carlos" she jumped out of her bed
"I missed you so much" I said as I went in to hug her
"Carlos, It's really you? I'm not dreaming am I?" she asked
“Nope, I missed you" I said
“How, how did you.." she had tears in her eyes
"www.seabrook.com" I said
"are the others here too?" she asked
"Yep, let's go see them" I held her hand as we walked out. We saw the others talking to Wyatt and Wynter
"Guys..." she said. They all turned towards her
"(Y/n)?” they all said and went to give her a hug
"I missed you guys so much" she said
"We missed you too" Evie said
"It's been so long" Ben said
"Too long." Jay said said
"So I see you've got some explaining to do" Mal said
"Yeah well long story short turns out I was the Leader of this werewolf pack and help them find their moonstone or else the entire werewolf pack would have died so yeah" "Whoa that's a lot" Jay said
"So you're the Leader of the wolves?" I asked "Yep" she said
"Well at least you found where you belong" Evie said
"I guess I did" she looked towards Wyatt
"So how are things in Auradon?" she asked "Well first off, the barrier has been lifted" Mal said
"Awesome" she said
"And I proposed to Mal" Ben said
"Well finally! I knew you two would get together. Team Bal! So when's the wedding?" "Actually next weekend. You need to be there (y/n)" Mal said
"I don't know guys, I still need to learn more roles of being the Alpha"
"Oh don't worry (y/n). You should go. I'm sure Willa will be able to hold off for a while" Wyatt said
"Are you sure? I mean it's only been a few days"
"You should go (y/n). I'll be the temporary alpha until you get back" Willa said
"I think I should just make you my Beta" she said
"Well duh. Wyatt would do a horrible job" Willa said
"Hey! I'm right here" Wyatt said
"I know" she said
"Just go (y/n). In fact, go tomorrow and stay the week. I İnsist" she said
"Yeah (y/n). Come on. Please..." Jay said "Okay, okay fine. I'll come with you guys" "Yes" we all said
"Pack your bags, we leave bright and early tomorrow" Ben said
"Of course we are" she said
"Well I'm gonna go and check into our hotel. We'll see you tomorrow Ben said
"Actually guys, I'm gonna stay a bit longer" I said
"Okay then. Have fun" Evie said
“Not too much fun" Jay said
"Bye guys" she said
"Bye" they said as they left
"I missed you so much (y/n/n). Don't ever do something like that again you hear me" I said
"I'm sorry C. I just had to get away" she said "We know. The day you left, Jay actually cried and punched Chad right on the nose" she giggled
"Classic Jay. Did he really cry?"
"Yep, and he wasn't the only one"
"I'm sorry I worried you guys"
"It's okay. As long as you're safe"
"You guys know I can take care of myself "Yeah, you just gave us quite the scare"
"So, how's my dad?"
"Angry. You should have seen what happened when he heard you ran away" "What did he do now?"
"He chased me all over Auradon. And man is he fast."
"I didn't think he cared that much about me" "He does (y/n)."
"Well, I need to get going, I'm supposed to go start my rounds"
"I can come with you if you'd like"
"That would be great" We spent the rest of the evening walking around the forest, just catching up. I told her about me wanting to become a vet. Once we got back to the Den I was too tired to go to the hotel so I stayed the night with her. I had to ask Wyatt for some extra clothes. Surprisingly, they fit. It felt good to hold (y/n) in my arms again. I don't want to lose her again

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now