mending fences

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I woke up super late from last night. I decided that I wanted to see my dad and talk. I mean, I don't know when I'll get another chance to. I took a shower and wore this

(A/n: I have given up on the outfits really😅. I know I have no fashion sense whatsoever)

I went to the Isle. To think this could be the last time I come here for lord knows how long. I got to his place. It hasn't changed a bit. I stood awkwardly at the door. Do I knock or just walk In? I decided to knock, just to be polite. No answer though. The door was unlocked too. Okay, I'm kinda getting scared. I walked right in. It looked clean which I was grateful since I didn't want my dad to live In filth
"Dad?" I called out. No answer
"Dad? It's (y/n). You in here?" Still no answer. I went into the living room. He was sleeping. I decided to wake him up
"Dad? Dad, wake up" I shook him. He opened his eyes. I stood back
"(Y/n)? Is that really you?" he asked "Uh yeah. I just came to check up on you" he engulfed me in a hug. I don't think he's ever hugged me before "I missed you so much, don't you ever disappear like that ever again" he said "Dad, I'm okay. I didn't think you would care though" "Why wouldn't I care, you're my daughter" "You never really treated me like one. Although, I guess I was a nightmare to live with "(Y/n), I've always loved you, it's just, when I was locked up here and I got so angry because..." "Because you didn't know if mom was okay?"

"How did you know?" “Dad, I'm the great alpha of those wolves that mom grew up with" "What?" "Yep. Now what is it I heard about you chasing poor Carlos around Auradon" "Do you blame me. I thought that De Vil boy chased my daughter away" "Dad, I left by choice. And I'm glad I did" "So what are you doing here?" "I came for Mal and Ben's wedding. I'm leaving tomorrow "Well, I'm glad I got to see you" "Actually there's more. I want to know what happened between you and Mom" "Okay then. You deserve to know. Ou may want to sit down" we sat on the couch "Well, when I met your mother, I was a lone wolf. I didn't have a pack. I lost my pack at a young age so I raised myself and made some bad decisions now and then. Your mom, was the soon to be alpha of her pack, but I fell in love with her. The pack didn't approve because she was already assigned a mate. We had to sneak around to be together. But one night when I kissed her, I marked her and that's when I knew we were meant to be. When she told her parents and the elder's they were furious, but they knew that they couldn't do anything about It. So I was able to marry her and soon she was pregnant with you. After you were born, humans had tried taking the territory and that's when the war began, I wanted to fight alongside her but she convinced me not to. She told me to take you far away from that place. I did so and never heard from her or the pack ever again. I knew she was dead. I could feel it
"Well, the wolves had told me that humans killed her"
"I knew It. I should have protected her"
"But you protected me and now the pack has their Alpha again. Don't blame yourself"
"I just wish I could have said a proper goodbye"
"She's in a better place. I have seen here in my dreams before. She wears a beautiful white gown without any shoes and her moonstone. Dad, do you have a moonstone?"
"What do you think?" he reached Into his shirt and pulled one out

"But how has It stayed charged all these years" "Well, before I met your mom, I went to this supposed witch town

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"But how has It stayed charged all these years"
"Well, before I met your mom, I went to this supposed witch town. I met one and she enchanted it so that it never dies out"
"That's amazing"
"You've changed so much. You even have tattoos now"
"Those came when I put on the necklace"
“A necklace?"
"Yeah, they gave me a fully charged moonstone" I showed it to him
"It was nice catching up Dad. I'm really going to miss you."
"I wish I could go with you"
"But maybe you can"
"You and mom got married, which means you were alpha male. So don't you have to be part of the elders"
“I'm not really sure"
"I'll call Wyatt and check”
"Whose this Wyatt boy?" I took out my phone and dlaled hls number
"Dad, I'm not dating him. I'm Carlos's Girlfriend"
"What! Oh no, no, no. He has to ask for my blessing before seeing my daughter"
"Dad, we're just dating. I'm not marrying the guy. Although we'll be roommates soon" "Excuse me?" He asked
"Hold on dad" he answered
"Hey (Y/n)" "Hey Wy. I have a question. If a wolf was once Alpha male or female, can he or she join the elders?"
"Yeah, they can. Why are you asking?"
"My dad. If I bring him, will he be able to be part of the elders"
"I mean yeah, he was an Alpha male so there should be no problem"
"Thank you so much. I'll see you tomorrow" "Oh and I heard the news about Carlos "How?"
"He called me"
"That boy I swear"
"It's okay though. He really does love you doesn't he"
"Yeah and I love him" my dad coughed
"Okay well I need to go. Byee"
"Byeee" my dad looked at me strange
"Who do you love?" He asked
"I'm going to kill that boy"
"Dad, please don't"
"Fine for now. But he better treat you right” "He will dad. So will you come?"
"Of course I will" he gave me a hug
"I love you dad"
"I love you too"
"Well, I guess I should go. I will get a limo to get you tomorrow okay"
"Okay then. Bye my little pup"
"Bye dad" I left. It felt good that I would have the two guys! love with me. I really hope he won't hurt Carlos

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now