a different perspective

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I gave him a hug
"Oh It has been so long, wow have you changed. Are those tattoos?" he asked. The twins were hugging him on the sides
"Well, It's a long story" said
"Please do tell" he said
"Good thing I brought something to chow on" I gave him the crolssants "Thank you so much" he led me to the living room. He got new furniture and the walls were painted. The twins ran off somewhere
"I see you've done some redecorating" “Oh not just me. Most villains got free make overs for their places too"
"Wow, the Isle really has changed"
"It has for the better"
"So how's my dad doing?"
"Well I don't know" he took a bite of his croissant
"I haven't heard from him since he tried to attack Carlos. After that he went back to his place and I haven't seen him since"
"I never thought he would care after the way he treated me most of my life. I thought that he would have been glad that I was gone"
"(Y/n), your father does love you. It was the Isle that got to him. It's like you said, the isle can break a person. He got so anger after they locked the both of you in here that he had to let off some steam somehow. That is why most villains treated their kids the way they did. It was out of anger, not hatred. Ever since the barrier was broken and some villains went to Auradon, a lot of them have been treating their kids better"
"So Uncle Smee, how come you weren't mean to the twins. Weren't you angry after they locked you guys up?"
"Of course I was, but not to the point that I would want to hurt my own children. I see everything from a different point of view. Tell me dear (y/n), why do you think King Beast had sent all the villains to the isle?"
"Because he was punishing them"
"Not In my eyes. He was Just afraid that If the villains were given power it would go to their heads and they would try to over throw him"
"But throwing the villains in the isle just made it worse. I mean when we had gone to Auradon it was because we wanted to get the wand and set all free. If he had made this place more suitable to live In, we wouldn't need a reason to try and over throw him"
"Fear is a very powerful emotion (y/n). I mean we all know the story of Elsa and her powers."
"Oh yeah, that did not go well"
"So if someone were to make a rash decision, it was out of fear 
“I guess I can understand" The twins ran back in and sat with me on the couch. They both had their heads on my lap. I love these two
"They have been talking more and more" I said as I play with their hair
"I've noticed. You should have seen the way they looked when they heard you weren't at Auradon. They were so excited to see you"
"Well, I'm here now and that's what matters"
"So are you staying here permanently?" he asked
"No, I'm only here for the week and then I'm leaving"
"What, you can't leave" Squirmy said "We just got you back” Squeaky said "I'm sorry guys but I have to" I said
"But why?" they both asked. I hugged them as they wrapped around my waist "I guess I have to explain"
-after the explanation He looked astonished by what I just told him. The twins had fallen asleep on me
"Wow (y/n). That Is Just wow" he said "Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. After saying everything that happened out loud it sounds shocking"
"Very, but I'm glad you found where you belong."
"Yeah. I actually have a few questions for you"
"Ask away"
"Do you know anything about my mom?"
"Well your father had told me about her but not much"
"Well, what do you know?"
"He told me about the pack, her belng Great Alpha and all"
"So everything I already know?"
"Pretty much"
"Well do you think I should ask him about her?"
"It's a very touchy subject for him but I say you should. You deserve the truth "Yeah, well I guess I should get going. I didn't really tell anyone about my whereabouts or that I took the twins so I should go" I shook the twins. They woke up
"It's time to go" "(Y/n), you should see your father before you leave"
"I know and I will. Goodbye Uncle Smee" I gave him a hug. I let go and the twins gave him a hug
"Goodbye dad" they said. We left

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