partner revealed and for old times sake

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next day- (Tuesday)
I woke up earlier than usual. I took a shower and wore this

It was still 8:30 so I decided to head over to the music room and find out who my partner Is

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It was still 8:30 so I decided to head over to the music room and find out who my partner Is. I headed out. I got there at 8:55. I walked in and saw the one and only Ryan Hood
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here" I said
"(Y/n)? You're performing?" he seemed shocked
"Yep. Not by choice that is"
"I didn't know you could sing"
"Well, there's still a lot you don't know about me"
"Anyway, did Mal tell you what song you're going to sing?"
"Okay then. I have the track ready but do you want to start off with the piano?"
"Yeah sure" we both sat by the piano. He started playing the melody as I sang -after the song
"That was beautiful (y/n)"
"Thanks Ryan. So you wanna meet up again tomorrow. Same time. We could try it with the track"
"Well, see you later"
"Actually (y/n). Do you wanna go out and walk around the forest. You know, for old time's sake?"
"Don't you go with your girlfriend?" "Nah, heather isn't one with the outdoors like you"
"Well, why not. But make sure to tell her okay, I don't want any drama" "Alright then. You gonna tell Carlos" "Yeah. I actually haven't seen him for a while"
"I'm sure he's around. So where can we meet?"
"How about the end of the tourney field, around 7?"
"Cool, I'll see you there"
"Bye" I left. I did kinda miss our night walks, even though I dld them almost every day In Seabrook. But there was a certain whimsy with Ryan. I'm gonna go see Carlos while I'm here. I went to their dorm and knocked. Jay opened the door "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked
"Hello to you to. I'm looking for Carlos, is he here?" I asked
“No, sorry. He left around 6. And I am offended that you came to see him and not me"
"Well sorry"
"But seriously (y/n), I do wanna hang out with you while your here"
"Okay then. How 'bout today? We should go to the isle"
"Yeah, I wonder It our secret spot Is still Intact?"
"I hope so, I've got some very valuable things there"
"Let me change first, I'll meet you at the entrance in 30 okay?"
"Cool" I was kinda bummed I didn't see Carlos but anyway. at least I get to hang with Jay. I went to the school's entrance. I saw a couple vk's walking around. It's unbelievable how much Auradon has changed. Ben has really done a great job as king.
"Okay, I'm ready" Jay said
"Well took you long enough"
"Can't rush perfection"
"Come on, I bet I could beat you there" I said
"Oh you are so on"
"On 3"
"Sure. 1..."
"3" we both said and ran. He was ahead of me but that's what I wanted, as soon as we were close to the bridge, I took off, leaving him behind me. I won. He came back out of breath
"I...I want a...a rematch"
"Just accept that you lost"
"No, no, no, I let you win"
"Okay, sure"
"Come on, let's go" we started walking around and ended up running on rooftops. We made it to our secret spot. Luckily, It was still intact
"Let's check it out" he said. We went in. there was a lot of dust, but all our stuff is still here
"Wow, I can't believe It's all here. Untouched" I said
"What should we do with all these coins and golden jewels and wallets?" he asked
"I say we return the wallets and keep the gold coins. I need some bank" "Same. And the jewelry?" He asked
"I don't know. Maybe put It In lost and found or something."
"Yeah. So have you talked with your dad yet?" he asked as we were walking on rooftops
“Not yet. But I am planning on it"
"You should"
"Have you talked to your dad since the barrier was lifted?" I asked
"Yeah, he did want to get revenge on Aladdin but soon gave up once he heard they were still in Agrabah"
"Ouch, so is he treating you better?"
"My dad has always been nice-Ish to me. He has Just gotten nicer"
"Cool. So hey whatever happened to Maleficent?"
"I don't really know, I remember mal saying that she went missing after she brought her to the isle, but I don't think she'll be a problem"
"Yeah, do you think that crazy woman is actually capable of love?"
"Yah not a chance" I said
"So you wanna get something to eat?" "Sure why not" the rest of the day he told me about how he asked Lonnie out and how him and Gil are planning a trip around the world next summer.

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