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I was awoken by Carlos shaking me
"Babe, we made it. Wake up" he said. I opened my eyes
"We're in Seabrook?" I asked
"Yep, come on. Your dad's already stepped out"
"How was it?"
"Awkward but we made conversation"
"Well, I'm glad about that" I got out and we we're at the wolf den. We all held our luggage as we stepped inside
"She's back!" I heard someone say. Soon I felt someone hug my walst. It was Wanda
"Hey Wanda"
"Hi (y/n/n). I missed you so much"
"I missed you too sweetie" soon more wolves came
"(Y/n)" I heard Wyatt say
"Hey Wy. Did you miss me?"
"In your dreams. So I guess this must be your dad?" he asked
"Yep, former Alpha male" I said
"Welcome. It's an honor to meet you. We wolves owe you a large amount of gratitude for keeping our Great Alpha safe" he said
"No need to be so formal. It was my duty as a father to protect my daughter" he said
"Well the elders have been waiting for you. This way" they went some where
"(Y/n), hey" Wynter said
"Hey Wynter. I missed you"
"I missed you too. So how is everything going?"
"It's going well actually. Willa Is In her room if you wanna talk to her"
"Great, I really need to thank her"
"So are you two finally..."
"Yep, I'm his girlfriend room right now" "Congratulations. Wait until Zed hears about this
"Oh he can't do anything about it
"We'll see"
"Carlos can you put our stuff in our room please”
"Okay babe” he kissed my cheek and went off
"So the elders are having a dinner to welcome back their former Alpha male
“Do we have to be there?"
"No, we're having a separate dinner to welcome Carlos"
"Great. I'm going to talk to Willa real quick" "Have fun" I went towards her room and knocked
"Come in” she said. I went in
"Hey Willa" she saw me
"Hey (Y/n)."
"Thank you so much for being temporary alpha while I was gone. I really owe you one" "It's no problem. Besides if you were to say I was your beta It would be my duty"
"Well, I really appreciate it"
"So, is Carlos going to be Alpha male?" "What?"
"Your boyfriend. Will he not be Alpha male?" "I don't really know
"Well If he's your mate, then he'll automatically be alpha male. He is your mate right"
"I think so. We're still taking things slow but I'm sure he is
"Well congratulations. You too are cute together"
"Thanks Willa"
"No problem" I walked out of her room and went towards ours. I saw Carlos had already started unpacking
"Hey babe" I went to help him
"Hey. So this is where you've been living since you left Auradon?" He asked
"Well no. I was first staying in Zed's basement. Then I came here"
"Oh really"
"Yep... Carlos. Do you think we'll be okay?" I asked
"What do you mean?" He came over towards me
"Like this is a really big step for us. For you and me. I'm just a little bit worried" he rapped his arms around my waist
"I don't know that babe. But I know we'll be okay because we're together." He nuzzled his head into my neck
"I really don't know how I got so lucky to have you in my life Babe" we just stood there in each other's arms. This is going to be one wild ride

A/n: y'all it's the final chapter. I'm so sad rn💔 I hope y'all enjoyed and thank you to everyone who has read, liked and voted. Y'all are the best💖 bye Wattpack 🌘

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now