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-next day-(Monday)
Evie's (p/o/v)

I had to get (y/n) to fit into her bridesmaids dress. I went into her room and found her sleeping with the twins. It was so cute. I really wonder why they love her so much. Even of the first day they came to Auradon they asked where was (y/n). They looked so sad and disappointed when we told them that she ran away. I need to ask how they are so close. I took a quick picture and I woke her up
"Hm? What?" she said sleepily
"(Y/n), get up, I need you to fit your bridesmaid's dress" I whispered
"Oh, I'll be there just give me a minute" she said. She wriggled out of the twins grasp and went to the bathroom. I went to my office and got out her dress. She came in looking wide awake
"Ok put it on with the shoes" I handed her the outfit
(A/n: I won't show til the wedding chapter. Sowwy)
She came back out
"How does it feel?" I asked
"Perfect Evie. Wow I'm surprised I haven't gained or lost any weight" she said
"Well just be grateful. You look amazing (y/n)"
"Thanks E. This dress is beautiful and I'm so proud of you"
"For what"
"I mean look at you. A year ago you were playing dumb and chasing after princes and now you're doing what you love and making your own money. You've really come a long way"
"Thanks (y/n/n). I am proud of myself too"
"You should be"
"Okay take it off and go about your day. What do you have planned?"
"I don't know really, maybe go see my dad or something"
"Okay then. Have fun” she handed me the dress and shoes and left the room Your (p/o/v)
I walked back into my room to see the twins still sleeping in my bed. I really missed them. I quietly took some clothes and went to take a shower. I really didn't know what to do. I don't think I'm ready to see my dad yet. Maybe visit Uncle Smee. I'm sure the twins would like that. I changed into this

I walked in my room and saw the twins were awake

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I walked in my room and saw the twins were awake. They looked kind of scared. I went to sit with them
"Good morning you two" they latched onto me
"Whoa, what wrong?" I asked
"We thought you left us" Squeaky said. I guess they still have that separation anxiety
"Don't worry guys, I'm right here. Now how about the two of you change and we can go see your dad?" their eyes seemed to light up
"Go on now. I'll wait for you guys outside okay" they jumped off my bed and ran out of the room. I made the bed and went to sit outside. The view wasn't half bad here.
"Hey (y/n/n)" I saw Celia sit next to me "Hey"
"Want me to give you a free reading?" she asked
"How could I pass it up?"
"Okay, pick a card" I chose one
"Now place it in my palms" I did as told. She closed her eyes
"Soon the truth shall be revealed and one shall be punished" she said. What does that even mean? I thought I already knew the truth
"Okay, well bye" she left casually. I was still fazed by the reading and knowing Celia, their never wrong and are always accurate. I felt my phone vibrate. I saw a video message from an unknown number. Me being the curious person I am decided to open it
"Hey (Y/n). Look who finally got a cellphone! Willa and Wynter got them too. We can finally stay in contact while you're in Auradon. Quick status on what's going on here. Everything is going well and Eliza and I have started talking more. We're gonna hang out today to. I'm super nervous and wish you here to help me. Please give me some advice. Okay byeeeee"
*End of video*

Aw I can't believe I'm missing the Eliyatt starting to form. I saved him as 'Wyse Guy' and sent him a quick video message
"Hey Wy. Glad we can stay in touch. Everything here Is going good. So about Eliza, all I can tell you is just be your true wolf self. Make her laugh and get to know her more the twins ran and hugged me from behind Whoa you two. Oh these are my cousins Squeaky and Squlrmy. Anyway have fun and don't ask her out before I come back. I want to see Eliyatt. Byeeeee"
*video ends*
"Okay, how about we grab breakfast then go see Smee?" they both nod their heads. I held their hands as we walked to a random café and got some croissants. The twins got chocolate while I got plain. We got some extra for Uncle Smee and went to the isle. It was brighter and it seemed as if some trees were growing. I saw lots of posters of Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. We got to his place. It still looked the same. I knocked. He answered and looked at me with wide eyes
"(Y/N)?" he asked
"Yep. Long time no see"

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now