first day

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Wyatt's (p/o/v)
I was awoken by Wanda jumping up and down on my bed
"What is it Wanda. Can't a guy just sleep in peace?"
"Come on Wy! We are having breakfast!" she said
"What's so different about this morning? "Remember how all the wolves would have breakfast together?"
"Yeah but we haven't done that in years" "Well today the elders have prepared a feast and have summoned all wolves to be there!" "Wait really?"
"Yes, so let's go!" she dragged me out of bed. I saw some more wolves standing in the hall. Some were still half asleep, including Willa "Morning sleepy head" I said
"Why are we awake at this hour? It should be illegal" she asked
"Well I'm sure you'll enjoy this morning"
"You'll see" I followed Wanda to (y/n)'s room. She opened the door and did the same thing to her. I just leaned on the door frame watching the scene unfold
Your (p/o/v)

Your PJs👆🏾I woke up to someone bouncy about on my bed "Five more minutes" I said as I rolled to the other side "Great Alpha! Get up! It's time for breakfast!" A little girl said to me

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Your PJs👆🏾
I woke up to someone bouncy about on my bed
"Five more minutes" I said as I rolled to the other side
"Great Alpha! Get up! It's time for breakfast!" A little girl said to me. I fully opened my eyes and saw Wanda
"Get up!" she said as she dragged me out of bed. I saw Wyatt leaning on the door frame with a smirk
"What is going on?" I asked him as I looked for some slippers
"Oh trust me, you'll very much enjoy this" he said. I walked out and saw most of the wolves were waiting for something. I walked over to Willa
"Can you please explain why we had to get up at this illegal hour?" I asked
"I have no idea." Willa said
"Come on guys. It's time to eat!" Wanda ran away. The pack followed. I saw some giant wooden French doors. Wyatt opened them and I saw a very long dinner table with lots of food on top
"Wait, is it what I think it is?" Willa asked. Her eyes fully open
"Yep, It seems the elders wanted us to reinstate pack breakfast Wyatt said
"Guys, what in the woods is going on?" I asked
"Well, before we lost our great alpha, all the wolves would have breakfast together. It was a chance for everyone to catch up. Kinda like a family moment sorta thing" Wyatt explained
"This is amazing" I said. Everyone went to find a seat
"You get the seat of honor" Wyatt said as he pulled out my chair. I was at the very end "Thank you" i sat. Willa and Wynter were on my right while Wyatt was on my left
"You have to announce when everyone can eat" he told me. felt a little awkward as I stood up
"You may now feast" I said. Why did I sound so formal? Everyone ate and talked to each other. I watched as young werepups playfully Interacted with their siblings. This really was like a family moment. I was talking with Wyatt throughout breakfast. He told me all my Alpha duties. Checking the woods for any other wolves that may want to steal our territory twice daily, making sure all wolves had everything they needed and to solve any conflicts. I would have meetings with the elders every now and then. Didn't sound so hard. Everyone left as the elders sald that they would clean up. I went back into my room and quickly changed.

 I went back into my room and quickly changed

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I walked out and saw Wyatt walting for me.
"So you ready to go?" he asked "Yep" he wanted to show me all the places I had to check when making rounds
"So the pack breakfast. Is that every day or..." I asked
"No, it's mostly on Sundays"
"Is it the same with dinner and lunch? "Depending but I know that we do it at least once a week"
"Cool" we checked a nearby stream
"So uh, do you know anything about the last Great Alpha? My mom?" I asked
"Oh yeah, the elders told us the story all the time. It is said that she was one of the greatest Alpha's to ever lead. She was strong, loyal and showed respect to all"
"She sounds amazing"
"Well, they say that she fell in love with someone who was not a part of our pack. A lone wolf"
"Yeah, what's so wrong about that?"
"It was tradition for all pack members to be chosen a bride or groom. To expand the pack. She was supposed to marry my dad but they never did and ended up marrying someone else and having me and Willa. That's why Willa was the great alpha before"
"Oh. So what happened the day she died?" "We know that humans had killed her during the war. Her mate had run away with you instead of staying. He was the Alpha male so my dad became alpha. He did the right thing though, you might have been killed and the great alpha bloodline would have faded so it was a good thing"
"How did the great alpha bloodline begin?" "History dictates that long ago the first wolf had silk white fur. That's why we all have a bit of white hair. They were the leader of their pack. As years went by, we evolved into humans but still had that inner wolf inside us. Since our anatomy isn't as well as the average human, our moonstones keep us wolf strong. So if ever a pack member where to lose their moonstone, they would grow weak and eventually die. The next generation from the Alpha was always stronger or more powerful and equip to lead. They're the only known kind. That is why they're so important to us"
"But I'm not strong or powerful. I'm not equip to be a leader"
"Yes you are (y/n). When the time comes you will be able to unlock your power. It may take some time but you'll get it. Willa wasn't really ready when she became Alpha, but with our father's help she succeeded and I know you will to"
"Thanks Wy. I really needed that"
We had already checked the entire forbidden forest and where already headed home
"So what's next on the agenda" I asked "Well, we usually let the wolves come to you with their problems but I don't think anyone has any issues that need to be resolved. I guess you're free for now"
"Could you tell me more about wolf culture?" "Sure, we can head to my room and talk a bit more"
"Let's go" we went into his room. It was a bit similar to mine, but you could tell the difference
"So what else do you wanna know?" he asked as he flopped onto his bed
" about the wolf rankings. I remember you saying my dad was supposed to lead the pack because he was the Alpha male?" I sat next to him
"Yeah, well all wolves have mates, so if the Great Alpha were to find their mate or be arranged a mate, he or she would become Alpha male or female. They would be secondary leader of the pack. So if something were to happen to the Great Alpha, the Alpha male or female would take their place either temporarily or permanently"
"Cool. So how do you know If you've found your mate?"
"Well, you just know I guess. I can't really explain it but it's just the same thing as love. Their basically your soul mate"
"And what about markings?"
"That is how you know if one is your true mate. If you really love them, they get a marking which symbolizes that they're your mate"
"Can all wolves mark?"
"Well...that's debatable. It is mostly said that only male wolves can mark but there have been some situations were females may or may not have marked. That's still a debatable topic"
"So can a wolf mark a human...or zombie?" "It has never happened before so we don't really know. Why?"
"Oh well, just being curious. So I see you and Eliza have a thing going huh" I nudged him "What no. It was just prom. It's not like I like her pretty smile, or curly green hair or..." he started staring off into space
"Wy, snap out it he came back to reality
"You have such a crush on her. I ship it! Eliyatt! Perfect!"
"No, what! Your crazy (Y/n)"
"Come on. I know she likes you"
"No she doesn't. But if she did what would I do? Hypothetically speaking of course"
"Yep, you totally like her. I need to start a fan club. Where's Wynter, she needs to hear about this" I stood from his bed
"(Y/n), don't you dare" he picked me up by my waist and threw me onto his bed
"Wy, let me go! I need to tell someone about this. Maybe zed can hook you up"
"Don't you dare" he started tickling me "Stop! I beg of you!" I pleaded while laughing
"Only if you don't tell"
"Okay! Okay! I won't" he stopped. We both just laid on his bed laughing
"So...What you wanna do know" he asked "Can we get froyo?" "I thought you would never ask" we both left the den

(A/n: who else loved that little moment between y'all? Which do y'all like better? Carlos or Wyatt😏. Please leave a comment)

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