prophecy revealed

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I was walking around Auradon prep dorms. Lot has changed. I saw some doors were opened. Some rooms were painted in their own colors now. I decided to check out my old room. I may have left one of my pocket knives In there. I knocked but no one answered. I decided to walk in and as soon as I opened the door, my pocket flew and hit the wall. I wasn't really fazed. I saw the person. It was Gina, Governer Ratcliffe's daughter
"Nice shot" I took the knife out of the wall and put it in my pocket. It was mine after all
"Meh, I was aiming at your head" she said
"Very funny." I saw the room was still spray painted purple
"I see they haven't removed my paint job" I said
"This was you? It's very well done" "Thank you. Did it the moment I saw that horrid hot pink paint"
"Well thank you for saving me the insanity"
"No problem. So who's your roommate?"
“Don't have one. Most villains either stay alone or stay with an Aurodanian. I wanted to stay with Heather but couldn't"
"Ouch, oh well its better that way"
"I guess. So is there any specific reason you barged in here?"
"Nope. I shall take my leave" I left her. She has become a bit nicer. As I headed to the boys room I was stopped by fairy Godmother
"Dear child, I have been looking for you everywhere" she said
"Oh I'm so sorry Fairy Godmother"
"It's okay. I need you to come with me for something important"
"If It Is to explain why I left Auradon I-" "No, I know why you left. I read the prophecy"
"What prophecy?" I asked
"Come with me" I went with her forgetting all about Carlos. She took me to her office and took out a book
"Please look for a page written on” she said. I flipped through the blank pages until I stopped by a short paragraph. "Hey Fairy godmother, you said you needed me?" It was Ben. He saw me "Hey (y/n). What are you doing here?" he asked
"Ben, sit down. You will now soon enough" FGM said. He sat down and I read It aloud:
"A girl with halr as white as snow"
"Must find a path in which she must go" "Will help a dragon save a kingdom from evil"
"Shall find herself in the sequel"
"To find the stone and save the pack" "And bring her beloved father back"
"The only one to bring back hope"
"To the ones that travel a slippery slope" "She will have to leave the one she loves''
"But will meet again when she is above"
Why does It sound like my life since I got here?
"A girl with hair as white as snow' that's me
'Must find a path in which she must go' they meant going to Seabrook
'Will help a dragon save a kingdom from evil' that was when I helped Mal at coronation with Maleficent
'Shall find herself In the sequel' they meant six months later
'To find the stone and save the pack' they meant the moonstone and the werewolves
'And bring her beloved father back' this line I did not understand
'The only one to bring back hope' When the wolves had given up after Seabrook was destroyed
'To the ones that travel a slippery slope' the werewolves when they first came to Seabrook
'She will have to leave the one she loves' when I left Auradon
'But will meet again when she is above When I became the great alpha
"Fairy Godmother, this is about me isn't it?" I asked
"Yes dear. Originally Ben wanted to bring 4 villain kids. You weren't one of them. But before I found this book in the library and found this book. It was blank at first but then I found this prophecy."
"Is that why you asked me if there was a white haired girl on the isle and that I should bring her?" Ben asked
"Yes Ben and this Is her prophecy" she
"But wait. What about this line? 'And bring her beloved father back' what does that mean? My dad isn't lost or anything" I said
"Well, maybe he is in a way" she said "Has your father been a loving father?" He asked
"Not really no. We never really talked or looked at each other. Every time I would come home, I would find him just staring into space" I said
"So he is lost emotionally or mentally" He said
"Has anything ever happened that may have affected him in his life?" FGM asked
"Well, all I know is that a few days after I was born, there was a war my mother had to fight in. She told my dad to take me far away from Seabrook."
"Is she.." he asked "She passed away" I said as I looked away
"Then maybe her passing is what made him the way he was" she said
"But how?" I asked
"He wasn't able to protect the one he loves. He didn't say a proper goodbye" Ben said. He seemed to be referring to himself. I'm guessing from when they told me that Mal had gone back to the isle the same day I ran away
"So how am I supposed to bring him back?" I asked
"That's for you to find out. It Is your Destiny" FGM sald
"Well, I should get going" he said
"Me too. I have a lot to think about" I said. Ben and I walked out of FGM office. How was I supposed to bring my dad back? I felt my phone vibrate. It was another video message from Wyatt *video*
"Hey (y/n). Just got back from hanging out with Ellza. She's really cool. We hung out by the froyo shop and walked around the forest. Did you know that she has this sparkle in her eyes when she smiles? I really like her (y/n). Please help me (Y/N)!"
*Video ends*
That boy is something else. I was in already headed towards Evie's place. I sent hime a quick video
"Wy, stop worrying, you'll be fine. Just hang with her more. Maybe go and watch a movie together or something. I do know that she likes literature, so maybe take her to a quiet spot in the forest and read to her. And as I said before, don't you dare ask her out before I get there. I'm warning you" *Video end*
I went to look for the boys. The rest of the day, we played video games in their room

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now