complications and accidents

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A/n: sorry bout the outfit 😅😅

Your (p/o/v)
The twins and I were watching Tourney practice. I guess Carlos decided to quit since I didn't see him. I felt someone snake their arms around my waist. I turned to see Carlos
"Hey bae" he said
"Already with the nicknames"
"Carlos we need to talk" I said with a serlous talk
"Um okay"
"Twins, can you guys give us a minute to talk" they nodded and started running around but not too close to the game
"What did you want to talk about?"
"Us actually. Do you think we're going to work?" I asked
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, can we handle a long distance relationship?"
"Why can't you just come back here permanently?"
"Carlos, you know I can't. I need to be in Seabrook with my pack"
"But I don't want to be away from you again (y/n). Do you know how hard it was without you here? I had so many sleepless nights worrying about you" "Don't you think it was rough on mel I wanted to come back so many times but I just couldn't"
"Just stay (y/n). I'm sure Willa wouldn't mind leading the pack again"
"Carlos, It's not that simple. I am the Great Alpha, I need to lead"
"But what about me huh! What about Jay, Evie, the twins, Ryan?"
"Don't make this harder than it already is"
"It doesn't have to be! If you."
"I can't okay! I just...I just can't"
"I thought you cared about us. But If these werewolves are more important than maybe you should leave"
"Fine! And don't expect me to come back again!" I started walking away
"(Y/n), wait" I heard Carlos say, I turned and it seemed as if everything happened in slow motion. I saw a puck flying towards Squeaky
"Look out!" I said. Squirmy saw and pushed him out of the way but got hit instead. I ran over to him. He was laying on the ground unconscious. Squeaky was already shaking him, trying to wake him up
"Squirmy, no. Please" he said. He was already crying. I lifted Squirmy's head and saw blood
"No, no, no" I said
"We need to get him to a doctor" Carlos said. I picked him up and we ran to the castle
(A/n: If you're wondering why, there is a medical area there. That is where all go to when sick.)
I rushed him in
"We need help!" I was already in tears. A nurse came and got him In a stretcher "We need a doctor stat" they rushed him into a room. I went in with them
"Is he going to be okay?" I asked the doctor
"It seems so. I still need to run more tests though” she said
"Please do" I looked through the window and saw Squeaky. Carlos was trying to calm him down. I went to see him
"Carlos, stay with Squirmy, I got him" I picked him up, he started crying on my shoulder, hugging me tightly
"Don't worry It's all gonna be okay. Carlos I'm going to calm him down, if anything happens please tell me okay" "Okay, I got you" I went farther down the hall, still holding Squeaky
"What if he doesn't wake up?" He asked
"He will, he's strong"
“It should be me, not him" I set him down and knelt to his height
"Hey, hey, hey, don't say that."
"But if I had moved out of the way he..." "It's not your fault, you didn't know" he hugged me again
"I can't lose him (y/n/n)"
"You won't okay. I promise" he calmed down a little but was still shaking. I decided to give Uncle Smee a call to let him know. He had given me his number when I visited him
"Hello?" he asked
"Come to Auradon"
"Why, what happened?"
"Squirmy got hurt" it was silent
"Hello?" I asked
"Where are you?"
“At the castle, just ask for the medical area, I'll wait for you at the entrance" "Okay"
*Call ended*
I waited for a while. He came, but looked out of breath. He must have ran "Where's my son?" He asked
"Come on" I took him to the room. Carlos was still waiting outside. He was pacing up and down
"What did they say?" I asked
"They didn't come back with the results yet. I wanted to go in but they said family member's only"
"Come on let's see him" I said
"Wait, you're not family though" he said "Yes she is. She's my niece" Uncle Smee said. Carlos seemed confused
"I'll tell you later" we went In and saw Squirmy. He had an IV on and his head was bandaged. He was still unconsclous. Uncle Smee went to his left and held his hand. I went to his right. I carried Squeaky so he could see his brother
"Is he okay?" he asked me
"Yeah, he's just sleeping" I said
"Can we wake him?"
"Not right now. He's In a very deep sleep" the doctor came in
"So?" I asked
"He'll be alright. Just a minor concussion. He'll have some headache's for a few days but I'll prescribe him some medication for that"
"When will he wake up?" Uncle Smee asked
"Probably in a few hours. The latest would be tomorrow" she said
"Thank you doctor" I said. She left "What happened to him?" Uncle Smee asked
"They were playing on the tourney field during practice. They weren't playing close, I think someone must have hit the puck in the wrong direction. It was about to hit Squeaky, but Squirmy pushed him out of the way and took the hit Instead"
"I'm sorry dad, it's all my fault” he started crying again
"No It wasn't Squeaks." He said
"You would have done the same for him right?" I asked. He nodded his head.
"So don't blame yourself" I said.
"You should tell him that he'll be okay" Uncle Smee said referring to Carlos
"I don't want to leave him alone" I said "It's fine. We'll stay with him" he took Squeaky
"Okay then" I went out.
"So what did they say?" he asked
"He just had a concussion and should wake up by tomorrow
"Thank god. So why didn't you tell me, you were their cousin?" He asked
"I Just didn't think it was important" "Well it is. I'm sorry I got mad at you about leaving, I just didn't want to be away from you again"
"Its okay Carlos. I get It and I'm sorry too"
"You have nothing to apologies for" he gave me a hug
"I'm going to stay with him for a while so you should probably go"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I am"
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okay" he kissed me on the cheek and left. I went back in. Squeaky came back into my arms. We both sat on the couch. He laid in my lap. We stayed like that for a long time. A nurse came in with some blankets. Uncle Smee was already asleep in the chair, still holding Squirmy's arm and Squeaky was still in my lap. She wrapped the blanket around Uncle Smee as I draped the blanket over Squeaky and I. Soon I fell asleep

A/n: don't kill me please 😅😅 I needed to add some drama and it just came to me.

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