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I saw Celia walk in
"ly/n)?" she looked at me with wide eyes "In the flesh" "I missed you! Dizzy come In here!" she sald as she hugged me «What's wrong..(y/n)?" Dizzy asked "Hey" she ran and hugged me "Where were you?" she asked "I had to find my destiny" "We missed you so much” Dizzy said "1 missed you guys too. How have you all been?" "We've been great actually" She said "Yeah, living in Auradon has its perks" Celia said "At least y'all enjoying It here" "(Y/n), we're going to have dinner at the castle!" I heard Evie yell "Okay?" I answered "So where are the twins?" "Oh, I think they might be in their room" Dizzy said "I'm gonna go see them "Okay, we'll see you later they both left. I went to their room and knocked. The door opened and I saw Squeaky. He has gotten taller and cuter "Hey Squeaky" he just hugged my waist "I missed you too buddy" I walked in and found playing a video game Squirmy "HI Squirmy. Cousin (y/n)'s here" I sald. He turned around. He dropped his controller and hugged my waist "I've missed you to so much" I heard little sobs. They both had tears in their eyes "Guys don't cry. Come here" I knelt down and gave them both a huge hug "We missed you so much” Squirmy said "Please don't leave us again" Squeaky said "I'm so sorry for leaving. I missed you guys to. I hope you've both been taking care of yourselves" I pulled away. They both nodded "Good. You two need to always stick together okay. Now wipe those tears they did "Twins, have you seen...Oh never mind" Evie said "We have to go (y/n)" she said "Coming" She left PIl be back tonight okay?" they both nodded "Be good you too. I love you both" I gave then each a klss on the forehead and left. I found Evie waiting by the door "Let's go" I said. We walked to the castle. Everyone was sitting by a large dinner table "Okay guys, here's the surprise" Evie said. I walked in and all eyes were on me "(Y/N)?" Uma asked "I'm baaack" I sang. People stood up "Girl where have you been?" she asked and gave me a hug "Handling business" I said "Hey Lassie" Harry said. He gave me a hug "Hey Harry. No longer wear the hook huh?" "Nah, just on special occasions." he said "(y/n/n)" Gil sald "Hey Gil" I gave him a hug "I missed you." He said
"You too" "(Y/n)?” Ryan asked "Hey Hood. You missed me?" he gave me a hug "of course. Why wouldn't 1?" Well I heard you got yourself a girlfriend. Where is she?" "Right here darling" I saw Heather "Girl, how you been. It's been too long" "2 years to be exact" she gave me a hug "You finally got yourself a man's." "You know how I do" I also saw Jane, Lonnie and Doug. Wow have people changed "Um...[y/n)?" I turned and saw Chad and Aubrey. Aubrey was wearing plnk plrate gear. It did sult her. I'll admit "We are so sorry" they gave me a hug "I'm sorry for all the teasing and names" Chad said "I'm sorry for everything, really" Aubrey said. Okay who are these people? "Please say you forgive us" Chad said as they pulled away. They both had pleading looks that looked real "I guess I can "thank you!" they both said. Everyone went to seat down. I got to sit in between Jay and Carlos. Carlos held my hand "Everyone missed you" "I can see that. I did miss everyone too" soon the food came "So Lassle, tell us. Where'd you run off to?" Harry asked "Yeah and the new appearance? I mean I like it though" Uma said "Well...It's a long story" "Come on, tell us Gil said. He still had that playfulness in him got to sit in between Jay and Carlos. Carlos held my hand "Everyone missed you" "I can see that. I did miss everyone too" soon the food came "So Lassle, tell us. Where'd you run off to?" Harry asked "Yeah and the new appearance? I mean I like it though" Uma said "Well...It's a long story" "Come on, tell us Gil said. He still had that playfulness in him
"Alright, alright. I'll tell y'all"
-after the explanation
"Wow. So you're the leader of a wolf pack?" Heather asked
"And that cough that you had was actually you slowly dying?" Ryan asked "Pretty much" "And you got to go to Prom?" Doug asked "Mhm" "Well, that is one heck of a story" Aubrey said "It certainly was an adventure. Now what is it I heard about my dad chasing Carlos all over Auradon?" everyone broke Into laughter except for him "Oh man (y/n), you should have seen him" Jay said "Yeah, it took about Me, Doug, Jay and 6 other guards to stop him" Ben said "It's not funny, I was nearly killed" Carlos said "Yeah, it was hilarious" Chad said "I think Carlos might have made a new Auradon record for the fastest runner" Doug sald "Okay enough about how I was almost killed. I have a question for Jay and (y/n) Carlos said "Ok shoot" Jay said taking a sip from his cup *Why do you guys have matching tattoos that say Long Live Evil??" Jay choked on his drink "You guys don't need to know about that" he said "Oh come on Jay. Tell us" Mal said

"Yeah, I've always wondered about that" Evie said "I'm gonna tell them"
"Don't you dare" He said "Okay now you have to tell us Uma said "Should I or do you want to? "Fine, tell them" He sald "Okay, so when Jay and I were 13 we were walking around the isle. Jay said that I could never beat him in a fight and I disagreed and we conveniently passed by the tattoo parlor. So jay and I made a bet that whoever lost had to get a tattoo of the victor's choosing. And guess who won?" "It was Jay" Ben sald "It had to have been jay right?" Doug said "Of course It was Jay" Mal sald "Yeah I say Jay" Heather sald "Go on Jay. Tell them who won” I said with a smirk "(y/n) won" he whispered "What was that?" I said "(y/n) won Okay!" he said. Everyone started laughing "So you're telling me that Jay? The Jay, Son of Jafar Jay, lost a fight, to a girl?" Harry said "Yep. I originally wanted him to get a 'you lost a fight to a girl' tattoo on his back but he wouldn't get one so he settled for that Instead" "Wait, so if Jay lost, why did you get a tattoo?" Jane asked "I thought it was cool and it was a deal. Get 2 for the price "Wow, yeah I'm never gonna let you live that down" Carlos of 1" said "Oh yeah whatever" Jay said "Well, we should get going. I don't trust those guys with the ship" Uma said
"Yeah, we should go" Aubrey said "It was fun catching up" Ryan said "Well, goodnight everyone. See y'all tomorrow" I said. We said our goodbye's and went our separate ways. Evie and I got back to her place. All the lights were off. I'm guessing the kids must be asleep "Night E" I said quietly "Night (y/n/n) she said. We went to our rooms. I quickly changed into my pajamas

As I climbed Into bed I heard the door open

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As I climbed Into bed I heard the door open. I looked over and saw the twins "What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you guys be in bed?" I asked "We wanted to be with you tonight" Squeaky said "Is that okay?" Squirmy asked. They gave me puppy dog eyes "Okay climb in" they both came in. Squirmy was on my left and Squeaky was right. They both hugged my waist "Goodnight you two" I said "Goodnight (y/n/n)" they both said. I fell asleep with them at my side

Descendants and Zombies: Y/n Wolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now