do over?

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I went back to Evie's place and found Dizzy waiting for me in my room
"Uh, hey Dizzy, what are doing in my room?" I asked
"I was waiting for you" she said
"I wanted to do your hair and give you some accessories"
"For what?"
"As a gift" she said nervously I went Into the bathroom and she washed my hair. Did the works and gave me this style

"What do you think?" "I like it "Great, now Evie told me to give you these" she handed me a dress and some heels "Why? "To see if they fit of course"

"What do you think?" "I like it "Great, now Evie told me to give you these" she handed me a dress and some heels "Why? "To see if they fit of course"

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I changed and put on the heels

"Wow, I love this. It's casual yet formal in a way"
"One question though, why heels and not sneakers?" someone knocked on my door
"You should answer that. Trust me" she said. I opened the door to find Jay
"What are you doing here?"
"I need to take you somewhere" he said "Where exactly?" I asked
"You'll see." He held out his hand. I hesitantly took it
"Now you may want to put this on and get on my back" he held out a red blind fold
"Okay, no. I feel like you guys are gonna kidnap me"
"Come on"
"Fine" I blind folded myself and got on his back. He started running. Okay, now I'm getting worried. He ran for at least 5-6 minutes before carefully putting me down
"Have fun" he said. Soon a pair of hands held my shoulders. I became stiff
"Don't worry, Just relax" I heard Carlos say
"Carlos? Is that you?"
"Yeah, now walk slowly"
"Can I know where were going first?" "You'll see. Now come on" he led me up some stairs. As we reached the top, I felt a small breeze hit me. I think we are on the roof
"Carlos if you are thinking of pushing me off a roof I swear"
“Just relax, were here" he took of my blindfold. I was amazed at what I saw

“Do you like it?"
"I love It. But why?"
"Well, ever since those few dates we had, I felt they weren't enough so I wanted to do something more"
"Just enjoy it okay?" I nodded my head. We sat down and watched almost all Aurodanian stories. We even watched one with his mother. He was cuddling close to me. I held him. As we finished watching Cinderella, the sun was setting "So, did you enjoy it?" he asked
"Oh yeah, it was fun"
"You know (y/n), I was really bummed I couldn't take you to cotillion"
"I didn't know you wanted to take me to cotillion"
"I did but I kept getting nervous every time I tried to ask you"
"I'm sorry C"
"It's okay. We can have a do over he stood up
"What?" he went and took out a speaker. He played a random song
"No Carlos." he stood me up
"Come on"
"We're on a roof"
"Just trust me"

"Take my hand
"I'll take the lead"
"And every turn"
"We'll be safe with me" I tripped on something but he caught me
“Don't be afraid"
"Afraid to fall
"You know, I'll catch you"
"Through it all He dipped me
"And you can't keep us apart"
"Even a thousand miles"
"Can't keep us apart
"Cause my heart is"
"Cause my heart is
"Wherever you are
"It's like catching lightning"
"The chances of finding someone"
"Like you"
"It's one in a million"
"The chances of feeling the way"
"We do"
“And with every step together
"We just keep on getting better”
"So can I have this dance?"
"Can I have this dance?"
"Can I have this dance"
We were both looking in each other's eyes
"(Y/n) Wolf, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked
"Yes Carlos. I will be your girlfriend" he lifted me in the air
"I'm glad to finally call you mine" he said
"Your so cheesy you know
"But you love it"
"I have a question though, was Dizzy up to this?"
"Yep. I didn't want Evie doing again cause I knew you would have figured it out"
"You'll never cease to amaze me"
-That night
I was waiting for Ryan by the tourney field. He finally came
"Finally" I said
"Sorry, Heather wouldn't stop asking questions"
"Didn't you tell her where you were going?"
"I did, that was the problem. She kept asking who I was going with and why am I going In the first place. She kept saying how I should stay with her. I like her and all but I don't wanna hear today's rant on how hard school is and how she should rule the school"
"I'm sorry. But you should give her some attention to"
"We spend almost every moment of every day together. I Just need a break" "What do you mean every moment" "She wakes me up in the morning, picks out my clothes, has almost every class with me except remedial goodness and we hang out every day after school. It's all too much"
"Did you tell her about it?"
"I tried, but the girl don't listen. She either brushes me off or changes the subject. Help me"
"Just tell her flat out that you need your space. If she won't make compromise then she's not the one"
"But...but "Ryan, in a relationship, both people need to be happy. If you're not, then just get out"
"Thanks (y/n). Enough about me. What's happening in your life other than becoming alpha and all?"
"That's pretty much it. I met up with some family and hung out with Jay and had a date with Carlos"
"Did he do it?" He asked
"Do what exactly?"
"Did he pop the question?"
"Yep, I'm officially his girlfriend" "Congrats. Finally."
"So are you gonna stay in Auradon permanently"
“No, I'm just here for the week"
"So how's that gonna work? Are you guys going to try long distance?" "Maybe, I don't know when I'm ever going to come back to Auradon and I don't know If Carlos will be willing to go to Seabrook"
"You guys should figure it out. You look cute together
"Thank Ryan" we spent the rest of the night talking and running around. We said we are doing this until Saturday night since I have to leave on Sunday

A/n: hey wattpack 🌕. Here's a random question. How many of you like Mech X4? Please comment below

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