My Fault

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(Tsunami POV)

No matter what anybody told her, Tsunami will always blame the death of Wave on herself. Why? Let me show you.


Wave and Tsunami were at the water park Wave said he was going to go to the pool and I was to busy talking to this girl that I didn't see the guy strangling Wave and Wave ended up suffocating all because I was too busy doing unnecessary things. 

At the Hospital the Doctors were trying the water out of his system but it was no use, since his power had been to control the waves there had been water in him originally so they tried to remove that.

Before the surgery Waves earring was glowing that meant he was dead, gone, lost, and it's all her fault. She was going to avenge Wave so she took  his earring.

End of Flashback 

Anemone and Turtle never held anything against her but she knew they blamed her for everything. Wave was her twin but was three minutes younger. It's all my fault Tsunami thought sadly as she rode on her bicycle. Glory was ahead of her and the others were behind. Tsunami kept pondering about this until she reached the school it was still dark and the school wasn't  opened yet. When they got to school everybody glared at the black haired siblings Moon and Starflight. Starflight must have seen our glare cause he looked at us and smiled sheepishly then said "What? Me and Moon put alarms early." Glory had a glare that could melt through steel while Tsunami looked ready to kill. Clay saved Starflights life by asking a innocent question: "So we just gonna talk?" Sunny nodded. Glory grunted I sighed but in the end we ended up talking.

After a long time people were starting  to enter the school Tsunami had one fear: The Rebels wanna know what they were? Okay

Deathbringer Shadow : Leader

Riptide SeaStorm : Co-leader

Fatespeaker Blackout : Assistant

Peril FireStorm : Assistant

The only one Tsunami wasn't afraid of is Riptide he had gentle blue eyes and a big heart. The only thing that kept them alive was Deathbringer's soft spot for Glory he would do anything for her. Peril seemed to have a soft spot for Clay but she didn't make it very obvious. Fatespeaker and Starflight were a match made in Heaven even though Starflight was still in love with Sunny.

I was knocked out of my thoughts with Sunny nudging me whispering "Their here" My head snapped awake and there stood them: The Rebels.

Glory was in her headphones so she couldn't hear or see, Tsunami caught the way Deathbringer looked at Glory. He loved her and would do anything to protect her. Sunny reached to tap Glory but Peril caught her hand. I think Peril is a little jealous that Deathbringer chose Glory instead of her so she didn't like Glory. "I can scream you know?" Sunny pointed out. "Glory will hear and beat the crap out of y'all." Peril raised an eyebrow "Let's experiment shall we?" Sunny asked then she let out a blood curdling scream. Glory's head snapped up the the fury in her eyes can kill a great white shark. She took in the screen then grinned deviously "Peril how long has it been?" She asked Peril raised an eyebrow but before she could respond Glory smacked her so hard it left a handprint the other slowly backed away and Deathbringer sent a charming grin toward Glory. She rolled her eyes.

Something tells me this is going to be a long year.

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