Drama King

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(Canopy's POV)

So, here's what really went down...


"Tak...e t..he ring G...lo...ry."  I managed.

A few seconds later my line went dead and everything was black for a minute then, I could see a place with trees and sloths. 

A place where my powers were normal.

A place where I fit in.

I walked through feeling like I could fly.

My powers were stronger than ever here, I could draw vines from just about anywhere!

I found myself stepping into the palace where I found a old King that looked like well like Dad.

"Hello Son." Well that proves that theory.

"D-dad?" I asked it wanting to believe because my Dad was a mean selfish person who abused me and my sister Glory. He didn't abuse Kinkajou though.

"Yes, and I would help you go back to Earth." He said staring at me in his lime green eyes.

"This is my home now, but you can be saved." He went on.

"Your power is stronger than mine, so you can go home." 

I didn't believe it!

I could see Glory again I could see everybody again!

"Thanks Dad." I said to him not wanting to let my guard down.

He gestured to a big green portal and I stepped in.

Next thing I knew I was in a hospital.

It had closed so nobody was here.

I tested my powers and sure enough they still worked.

I had, had my powers for so long I can take my ring of and still have them.

I was still willing to rush it giving my ring to my twin sister.

I walked out the door.

Promising revenge on the people who "killed" me.

End of Flashback 

"Um, about that..." Glory started looking worried.

"You can't exactly get revenge, cause I'm like dating one of them..." 

It took me a moment to process what she had said.

"Deathbringer sounded like a Rebel name." I spat.

"How could you Glory, you knew they were the ones who killed me and Dad." 

"He's really nice, you should meet him."

I sighed so loud some Fanta almost came right back out.

"Yeah he cares about Glory a lot." Kinkajou said.

"Oh yeeeaaahhh, next your going to tell me Kinkajou has a boyfriend too." I said rolling my eyes

I saw Glory and Kinkajou exchange looks.

"Wait, Kinkajou had a BOYFRIEND??" I yelled.

I really needed to catch up on the latest gossip.

"Is he a Rebel too?" I ask

They shook their heads to my relief.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Kinkajou asks me.

I shook my head I was still waiting for the right person.

"There's one thing I'm sure of..." Glory started 

"You are some, Drama King."

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