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(Riptides POV)

Today we are doing a match in football.

Me, Deathbringer, and Clay have no trouble playing football but after Clay convinced Starflight to play, well he's not really good.

Like he doesn't know how to take a little injury and ends up making a big deal out of it, so I'm scared for today's game.

We are playing against The Pantala Pokers which is Blue, Swordtail, Mandrake, and Hemlock. They look muscular but then again so do we the Pyrrha Panthers.

Me and Deathbringer took turns being quarterback and Deathbringer was quarterback for this round he threw me the ball and I caught it well and started making a run for the Pokers goal.

Swordtail and Mandrake were closing in on me and I swiftly dodged them and kept running.

Their goal was getting closer and before I knew it I had made a touchdown!

Deathbringer chest bumped me and Clay high fived me while Starflight glared at me.

I do not know what his problem is but maybe it has something to do with his dead sister?

Anyways for the next throw I was going as quarterback and I threw it to Deathbringer who made a awesome touchdown. 

One word for the Pyrrha Panthers is: Unstoppable.

Me and Deathbringer took turns throwing to Clay but one thing I noticed was we never threw to Starflight...

Because he wasn't good.

After the game me and Deathbringer went to go take showers because we did a lot of running.

Clay wanted to come too.

Starflight stayed probably because he didn't do anything.

After we took our showers Deathbringer said that we should go talk to the girls. 

I have always had feelings for Tsunami, but I didn't express them like Deathbringer expresses his feelings for Glory.

I didn't know the Rebels were allowed to fall in love so that's why I had never made my move on Tsunami.

I was scared.

Me and Deathbringer went to look for the girls and we saw them talking about who-knows-what.

Deathbringer gave me a shhhhh look and he snuck up behind Glory whispered something in her ear and she screamed Bloody Murder.

The other girls started laughing and (sorry Glory) I laughed too.

Once Glory realized it was all a setup she turned red and glared daggers at Deathbringer.

After everybody had stopped laughing the girls asked us what we were doing here. And we told them the truth: to see them. 

Deathbringer took Glory somewhere and the other girls were making kissy noises like lost children. But after I said I wanted to talk to Tsunami alone. Tsunami stopped making kissy noises and followed me.

Once we were alone she complimented me on Football and I said thanks.

"Um, wanna talk 'bout the dance?" I ask her not wanting to seem pushy.

She nodded and I almost jump for joy right there and then.

"So like uh, are we, uh together?" I stutter not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Do you want onto be?"


"Then we are." She says matter-of-factly.

I beam at her and she kisses me passionately and I kiss her back.

I can't believe I have a Girlfriend.

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