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(Sunnys POV)

The Rebels and The DoD were sitting at a table Glory was on her phone, Deathbringer was acting like he wasn't watching her when he was, Peril and Clay were staring at each other, Starflight was looking at Fatespeaker while she commented on whatever Glory was doing, and I was just trying to start a conversation so I said:

"Did y'all notice that there are five DoD and four Rebels?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

Glory looked at me and raised an eyebrow "What are you implying?" She asked me.

"Just, trying to start a conversation." I mumbled

Tsunami looked up suddenly Interested, then she looked at Glory looked at Deathbringer then whispered something in Deathbringers ear. 

Deathbringer shook his head fearing his life, but Tsunami pleaded with him and he signed got up and stood behind Glory.

"Hey, baby." He said to her.

Glory froze slowly turned around to see Deathbringer there trying his best not to run.

"The Suns over there, but I don't think you can get any hotter." Deathbringer said 

"I know I'm not a Photographer but I can picture us together." Deathbringer continued

"Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes." Deathbringer said

"If you were words, they'd call you fine print." Deathbringer continued

"Are you a parking ticket? You have fine writing all over you!" Deathbringer said 

"If I had a Dollar for a girl I saw as beautiful as you, I'd be broke." Deathbringer continued 

"Is your name Google? Cause you have everything I'm searching for." Deathbringer said

"If I were blind, I'd still know your beautiful." Deathbringer continued 

Glory blinked then she blinked again then she started counting, "1... 2... 3..." At three Deathbringer bolted for his life and Glory chased after him, she was really fast and and Deathbringer seemed to know that so he ran out of the lunch room, with a angry Glory chasing after him

Sunny turned toward Peril and she looked really sad. Sunny now knew what was wrong Peril was angry at Glory because of 



Qibli was running after Scorch. Why? Because Scorch had blurted Qiblis crush on Moon so Qibli  was mad at him. Eventually Scorch lost him and hid in a narrow passage way with the sewer. 

He didn't know the sewer was loose and fell in and broke his neck.

They took him to the hospital but he couldn't be saved so Qibli took his Chocker put it on and walked out killing anybody who got in his way.

End of Flashback

Qibli told me later what had happened and I was devastated to hear then later I met Glory and we started DoD. 

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