Fancy Dandy Dance Part 2

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(Riptides POV)

Riptide chose this time to remember the Fancy Dandy Dance was in one week so he looked at Tsunami who was on her phone listening to something. He gently removed her headphones and beckoned her out of the lunchroom. 

She looked at him with a confused expression but followed him. No matter what Deathbringer said Tsunami was still the most beautiful girl to him.

Once they were outside they saw Glory and Deathbringer talking. They both smirked and went to a different hall. 

Riptide fidgeted with his hands while Tsunami put her hand across her chest. 

"I uh, I have to ask you something." I stuttered 

"What?" Tsunami asked. Her blue eyes shining 

"Will you, Go to the Fancy Dandy  Dance with me?" I asked smiling

"Sure." She said with almost no hesitation.

Yes, I did my victory dance in my head and headed to the Rebel Headquarters where Deathbringer was waiting with a silly grin on his face.

I guess it was the boys Jackpot today.

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