Did she?

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Dedicated to tsunamilion 

(Perils POV)

Peril realized right now that Clay hated her more then she realized . I mean yeah she's the cause for his little siblings death but still. Later that day after English class Peril realized that she'd dropped her textbook so she came back to get it and she saw Clay holding it looking very puzzled

"Give it back!" I yelled even though I knew he was just trying to help

He looked at me with Hatred in his eyes

Then he threw the textbook at my face and it smacked me 

"What was that for?" I asked removing the textbook from my face.

"For Topaz!" He yelled back at me.

"I'm sorry I thought it was only you I didn't see your two siblings in the tree." I admitted 

For the first time ever he looked at me with not only hatred in his eyes but a little pity.

"Oh" He said bluntly

"I'm sorry" She repeated

"It's okay I guess, and uh, do you have lunch next?" He asked her with a surge of hope 

She nodded her head and he said: "So do I"

So she took her textbook and headed for her locker. She was having mixed emotions about Clay did she like him the same way she liked Deathbringer or did she like him the same way Deathbringer liked her? 

Let's see what the future holds.

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