IceWing Bro's

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(Frost's POV)

I know, IceWings are to dignified to say this, but I miss Winter



"Wanna play Ice 'n slice?" I ask my brother Winter while he plays/fails at Rocket Royale.

He sighs and leaves his game to look at me.

Then he nods his head.

I took two chunks of Ice from the IceWing store nearby and started slicing mine up to make a watermelon.

It came out good.

And Winters dragon was AMAZING

We were talking about that girl Moon that he likes.

I personally don't have a problem with him liking an NightWing but the rest of the IceWing kingdom did.

So I staged his death and we've been living as fugitives ever since.

Then I touched the table and a shock ran through me and I jumped back crashing into the table and onto the Watermelon.

Curse you static table.

Everything went black

I woke up in a Hospital room with Winter right beside me and some Doctors were telling me they were going to go into Surgery to relocate my neck.

I groaned but didn't argue.

The surgery was going well until this NightWing girl came in and yelled 'BOOM'

Something dropped on my neck cutting the nerves there.

Everything went black.

I woke up in the worst place I ever could have...

The IceWing Kingdom 

I felt my neck but felt no pain, and for some reason my powers felt stronger here like they did when we were here before.

All the dragons in all the Kingdoms were able to be humans, except him and Winter and their parents.

We found a different magic.

A Ice Magic.

We sacrificed our dragon forms to get our power and honestly I have no regrets.

I walked into the kingdom since I had already  memorized this place, and thankfully the Queen wasn't home.

I looked up and saw something on the throne.

A legendary transportation.

I gaped at it in disbelief.

I thought it was FAKE!

I guess not.

I grabbed it and started tinkering with it and suddenly I felt a chill go through my spine, and I was back in the hospital.

I walked outside cautiously fearing a doctor might catch me and ask me why I wasn't dead.

But when I made it outside, I didn't see  doctors I saw five people...

One had blond hair and green eyes,

Another had Dark blue hair cut into a fade and Dark blue eyes,

Another had warm brown eyes and brown hair,

Another had Sandy blond hair and yellow eyes,

And the last was a NightWing

I hated all of them, except Moon cause my brother was literally crushing on her.

But turns out, it wasn't so bad after all. 

End of Flashback 

Winter smiled at me, I missed him so badly   

"Queen Glacier would kill you if she heard that story." 

I smiled at him, Winter made a point.

Obviously IceWings were the most superior tribe of all, but that doesn't mean we have to be perfect all the time.

Here me and Winter sipping Ice Tea while isolating ourselves from the other people.

We smiled and said in union 

"IceWing bros 4 life."

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