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(Starflights POV)

Starflight wasn't always a nerd there was a time....


Him and  Nightstar were at the library Nightstar insisted that they should study but Starflight wasn't really a nerd like her. He didn't like to study. That day Nightstar  was looking for the third book in the series she really likes: The Penderwicks. I was watching her look, utterly bored. When Riptide came over and unscrewed the nails holding the shelf and then, the shelf collapsed on my twin sister Nightstar.

At the hospital Nightstar was resting. They were doing a surgery on her to get the wood out of her system but...

The surgery went wrong and Nightstar didn't make it.

So he took a piece of the Donut stash she had and ate some of it now he had her power and now he wanted REVENGE

End of Flashback 

At lunch me and Glory were there early. Since me and her were straight A students, we got released early. Me and her were working on programming an Arcade in the lunchroom  so the kids could have fun. 

Clay was finishing work

Tsunami had detention for eating in class

And Sunny was on her way.

Then they walked in.

"How are y'all here so early?" Deathbringer asked mostly to Glory

Glory's head whipped around than she glanced at Starflight asking a are we really here that early? I answered her with a shrug, then she looked back at The Rebels, "Me and Star here are Straight A students so we get released early." She said with a shrug. Deathbringer looked overjoyed that and Glory were in the same lunch period. 

"Whatcha working on?" Riptide asked them.

"Working on something you're not included in." I said coldly I was still a little mad that he killed my twin sister.

"And, why is that?" Riptide asked


Glory gave me a look. That look. The look that always calmed me down I took a deep breath and turned around back to our project.

Thank God that class ended at that time. 

Clay walked in he gave a sweet smile to both of them, then he glanced at Peril and gave her a little wave. Glory noticed it too, so she called Clay over 

Then she gave him her explain look. He sighed and told the Story Glory looked... well she looked downright confused. I was too one minute they were arguing the next he was asking her her lunch period? Whatever. 

"The other students will soon start to arrive."  Fatespeaker said 

"So we gonna talk or what?" Clay asked being his oblivious self he didn't notice the tension in the room

I was glaring at Riptide while Riptide looked confused

Glory and Peril were glaring at each other 

Deathbringer was looking at Glory 

Clay was looking at Peril

Tsunami was ready to fight anybody

While Sunny was humming hills and valleys.

Deathbringer was the first to speak "Uh, so are y'all gonna tell us what y'all are working on?" The other DoD glanced at their project it looked really hard but Glory and him could understand it.

"If y'all at least  have the IQ of a peanut y'all would have known were not done yet." The sarcasm seeping through Glory's voice.

Then she turned around and went back to working on the project. Then she tapped his shoulder and directed his attention to their project. Starflight went to look and there was this complicated math stuff. He used his Super IQ to solve  it and fixed the Arcade. Glory gave him a grateful look and went back to working on it. 

"Um, nobody answered my question." Clay said looking around. To answer this question I just shrugged and I guess Clay took that as a yes.

"If we're gonna talk, did any of y'all get a partner"? Tsunami asked

They all shook there head then Tsunami turned to Glory 

"He hasn't got himself a girlfriend yet Glory." Tsunami said. So I guess this question was for Deathbringer 

Glory looked up from the project and sighed "Maybe next year." She said before going back to her project. Then the students started to arrive

Starflight wasn't sure he'd make the year.

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