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(Nightstar's POV)

I miss studying...


The light blue haired boy came over and started bullying me like a jerk.

I trie to tell him to go away but he wouldn't listen and before I knew it, the library shelf was on me.

I woke up in a hospital tired.

It felt like I had blisters everywhere.

I saw five doctors and Starflight there trying to comfort me.

I was going into surgery, turns out the wood from the bookshelf had somehow gotten into my system.

I never used the word "somehow" I always used my analysis powers to figure everything out, but my head hurt to much to use it right now.

A few minutes later I was sucked into blackness.

I was now standing on top of a volcano.

I screamed and nearly fell into the Lava.

I looked around but all I could see was Lava, except a little tunnel that I could see.

My head do not hurt so I used my Super IQ to identify the tunnel.

My analysis told me that it was a tunnel to the RainWing kingdom and that a guy named Stonemover made it.

Of course I walked in wanting to know more.

As soon as I stepped in, I felt this tingling in my arms and goosebumps were creeping onto my arms.

Then I realized why.

There was a teleportation thingy on the floor, but that was all my analysis would tell me.

So I picked it up, and it felt like I was sucked into a dark volcano.

But then a few seconds later, I was in the hospital again. 

My stash was gone and so were the doctors and Starflight.

Good thing I still had my powers.

I climbed out my window to see four boys talking I used my analysis and turns out,

The boy with Green eyes was Canopy.

The boy with dark blue eyes was Wave.

The boy with warm brown eyes was Topaz

And a boy with Sandy Blonde hair was Scorch

I also knew I would fit in here.

Look out world we are coming.

End of Flashback 

Starflight and Moon congratulated me on my story and I grinned at them

Since Starflight and Me have Super IQ powers, Moon has the mind reading and prophecy.

She doesn't use it often though.

These were my siblings,

And they were perfect.

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