Secret Headquarters

794 6 13

(Glory's POV)

I am so confused right now.

Six people in hoodies come out of the sky and kidnap us.

I wonder why they didn't take the Rebels.

I opened my eyes and all I could see was six hoodies people.

One of them looked like a girl, but the others looked like boys.

"Looks like Blondie's awake." A voice said.

I felt like my heart skipped a beat.

I know that voice.

That nickname, only one person called me that nickname in the history of my life.

One person that I thought didn't, well, exist anymore.

I looked up to see a boy in a green hoodie. The hoodies they would wear were not normal hoodies. It covered their whole face. All I could see was blackness.

"Who are you?" I asked the boy in the green hoodie. 

"Well, I'll tell you of you're up for it, Blondie." The boy asked helping me up.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT." I yelled at him.

The nickname only reminded me of my twin brother Canopy.

The boy was about my height, a little taller though.

"But it's your nickname." The boy asked looking a little amused.

"How do you know that?" I asked started to get a little furious.

"Because I know you, Glory Forest." 

That voice.

I know it, but it couldn't be who I thought it would be.

"I see you got my ring." The boy said.


He couldn't be alive.

That would mean Deathbringer was right.

"What do you mean." I ask the boy

"I mean," The boy said taking off his hoodie revealing curly blond hair and green eyes.

"Welcome sis, to the secret hideout of the Dead."

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