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(Clays POV)

Clay knew theses things about himself: He liked food, He was oblivious and, He liked food.

Clay didn't know what the reason was for Perils hatred for Glory and he didn't really care. Clay wished one thing only: For Topaz to still be alive, Topaz was a year younger than Clay but had a bigger heart then anybody else in the world he will never forget the day that he died.


Topaz. Crane and Clay were playing in Mud Kingdom when Peril approached them she scared Topaz and Crane so they went up a tree while Clay stood up to Peril

"Why are you even in Mud Territory trespasser I'm going to report you to the police" He said Dangerously the girl who was actually Peril growled and stomped away. Crane climbed down the tree but Topaz wasn't so lucky he fell and broke his collarbone 

At the Hospital the Doctors tried but no matter what they did Topaz couldn't be saved. The tears wouldn't stop. Topaz was gone. Forever. Clay wasn't going to let this stop him after the line went dead he took his little brothers wristband promising Revenge.

End of Flashback

Glory was checking Sunnys wrist for a  wound from Peril and turns out there was a burn. Clay and Glory exchanged looks and turned in the direction of The Rebels Starflight and Tsunami decided to come too. They found the Rebels crouching on the other side, Perils wound had almost healed but not completely. Peril glared at Glory and Glory glared back. Starflight and Riptide weren't the best out of the bunch either. "Haven't you done enough?" Asked Peril glaring at Glory "Actually no I haven't. Your the one who marched up to us and hurt Sunny, nobody hurts Sunny." Glory said Dangerously. "Wait wait wait," Riptide said "I have a question, why do y'all hate us we didn't do anything to you. Glory gave him a look 3/4ths skepticism and 1/4 anger "You wanna know what you did?" Glory started. Riptide nodded so Glory continued "Three weeks ago y'all burned down RainWing Industry right?" Glory asked. They nodded and she continued again "My Twin brother Canopy and my father were still in there when you did that." Glory said with so much hatred that the Sun was turning cold. The others were starting to get interested "My Dad died in the building but since my brother had Supernatural abilities we were able to get him to the hospital, but it did no good, he died shortly after... after telling me to take his ring." Glory said with pure hatred and pure sadness "The Ring, the thing that generated his power." Glory finished all sadness. Deathbringer looked regretful, Peril looked happy, Riptide and Fatespeaker looked confused. "There's more" I said with a murderous look on. "Three weeks ago Peril scared my little brother and sister into a tree, I made her go away then Crane my little sister came down. But Topaz was having trouble and ended up falling on the tree breaking his collarbone I took his wristband and promised revenge." Clay said in a low voice. "And plus" Glory continued as though nothing had happened, "She's the one who started hating on me first I'm just defending my self" Glory said with a shrug pointing at Peril. "Yeah, that's a question I have to," Riptide agreed. Then he turned toward Peril "Why do you hate Glory?"

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