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(Wave's POV)

One day I will laugh about this story...


I was minding my own business when I saw a boy with light blue hair and light blue eyes trying to push me into the water.

Of course I fought back but he still got me because my power was slowing me down.

At the hospital I could hear the Doctors talking about surgery to remove my powers and I don't know what I would do if I lost my powers so I unplugged my air pressure and almost immediately I was taken to a different place.

I immediately felt stronger and happier my powers... they were so strong!

It looked like I was underwater but had no trouble at all breathing.

I saw a tall building with multiple stories and of course I decided to go in.

When I reached the top floor a Queen greeted me.

"Ah, so you got our legendary powers." She wasn't human she was like, a Dragon.

"In this place everybody has theses powers."

I was relieved that I wasn't the only one.

"So this is where SeaWings go when they die?" I ask the Dragon

"Yes... but you don't have to die." She answered

"The world needs you, so you can go back." 

I was like THANK YOU!

She gestured to a blue token. 

I took it and it grew bigger in my hands.

"Do you want to come with me?" I ask the Dragon.

"No, this is my home. And I fit in here. If I go with you I will be the only Dragon there." 


But I didn't think about this for long and I stepped into the token that was now a portal.

I woke up in the hospital I snuck out the window and saw a boy with blond hair and lime green eyes. A RainWing.

We looked into each other's eyes and realized that the same thing had happened to both of us and we knew then and their that we were going to fight for our importance and get revenge of those who disrespected us.

We formed the Dead.

End of Flashback 

"Wow." Turtle and Tsunami breathed 

"You formed the Dead." Tsunami repeated 

"Me and Canopy." I corrected nudging her.

She waved that off.

"Um, about the "get revenge" thing. You... cant." Tsunami said fiddling with her fingers.

"Why not?" I ask her.

"Because my boyfriend is the one who "killed" you." 

I froze every nerve in my body froze.

"Your dating the guy who "killed" me!?" I yell starting to get furious.

Not at Tsunami but at the guy who "killed" me for having the nerve to date my sister.

I eventually calmed down I looked over at Turtle.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" I ask him.

He nods and gestures to the blond haired girl who was Kinkajou from Canopy's descriptions.

I sighed and hugged my siblings.

"I love y'all." I said to them.

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