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(Tsunamis POV)

My life has gone haywire.

Wave, or I think it's Wave, has told me and Turtle he's alive and has formed a group with other people.

So, we met in the living room in the headquarters.

Glory and Kinkajou came out of a room with a boy that looked just like her, slightly taller and had curlier hair.

Sunny and Qibli came out with out with a boy that looked like Qibli's twin except he was shorter and had less curly hair.

Winter came out with a boy with light blue eyes, White hair just like Winters and was a little taller.

Clay came out with a boy a little younger than him with straight hair instead of curly and was shorter.

Starflight and Moon came out with a girl that looked like Moon but with darker hair and darker purple eyes.

"Ok, I know this seems really weird..." The boy next to Qibli and Sunny said.

"But we are alive and we're in a group." The boy next to Winter finished.

"How?" I asked not believing any of it.

"How do we know it really is yall?" I asked.

"First of, I would never waste my time trying to make y'all happy, like hello I have better things to  do." The boy next to Glory and Kinkajou said.

"He's got your attitude," Qibli pointed out clearly talking about the boy who has a stank attitude and Glory.

"Oh no he doesn't he's all dramatic." Glory pointed out.

"Hey, I'll stop the drama when you stop the sarcasm." The boy pointed out putting on a silly grin.

"He makes a good point." Clay joked.

Glory rolled her eyes.

"Well, for one thing this is definitely Canopy." Glory admitted.

"Yeah, me and Glory did a test on him and he knows everything!" Kinkajou said bouncing around happily.

"I know this is definitely Frost." Winter said smiling at his older brother.

"This is definitely Scorch." Qibli and Sunny admitted with a smile.

Turns out everybody agreed that this was definitely their siblings.

"Who was that boy you were sitting with?" Canopy asked Glory.

"Deathbringer." She said bluntly.

"Well that a name."

Glory, Me, and Wave laughed at Canopy's little joke.

He had a amazing sense of humor.

Me, Wave, Glory and Canopy were sitting at a four table while Winter and Frost isolated themselves from other people.

Sunny, Qibli, and Scorch were at their own table laughing.

While the others were on the other side.

Glory and Canopy started chatting about Deathbringer sipping their Fanta's.

Wave was actually really funny right then I felt...


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