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     NEGAN'S VISIT did not fail to put everyone at unrest. people looked at rick as if he had failed them. however, there was nothing he could do. that man was threatening him with their lives.

     rosaline sighed leaning her head against the wall, listening to judith's steady breathing from her cot. luckily, the little girl was asleep. the sounds caused her to relax.

     a shot rang throughout the area.

     the young woman shot up as judith cried out, breaking into wails. quickly, rosa tried to hush her, worried that negan was going to hear, or one of the saviors.

     she took the toddler out of the cot, bouncing her up and down trying to quieten the sound of her cries. carl shuffled from downstairs, knowing what was happening.

     rosaline held the girl close, hand stroking the back of her head as she slid down the back of the wall. her eyes were falling shut but rick burst into the room.

     "she okay?" he immediately asked, "you? he's out there but with olivia."

     her hand clasped around her head as she slid the girl over into his arms, "god, dad. i can't look at daryl like that, not that he lets us but he looks so horrible. i have to go out there and bring him what he wants, i have to."

     "you don't." the former sheriff insisted, kneeling down slightly, grabbing her hand in his, giving it a squeeze, "someone else can do that. you're not well."

     she shook her head, "i can't make someone else do my punishment."

     "you have that option - m-michonne can do it. or you can go together." rick told her, helping the girl up as she nodded, a stray tear rolling down her cheek, "i'm having a meeting at the chapel, can you make it or do you want to rest and stay here with judith?"

     "i'll go." rosaline decided, making her way out of the room with him supporting her after placing judith back in the cot, "she can stay here on her own?"

     "she'll be okay, just for ten minutes."

     rhaegar slinked after them down the steps. he'd been a lot quieter than ever. no barking or whining. just like his owner - this behavior was reflecting on him, unfortunately.

     eventually, the pair made it to the chapel. carl was already there, so she took a seat next to her brother.

     rick got to the front, beginning his speech, "i thought about hiding the guns. i did it before. i figured i could bury some out there. maybe we don't touch them for years."

     "years?" tobin repeated.

     "yeah, that's right." he nodded, "but what if the saviors find those guns? what if we run into them when we have those guns on us? one of us dies. maybe more than that - maybe a lot more. doesn't matter how many billets we have. it isn't enough! they win; it's that black and white."

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