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     AXEL SHOT a look towards the door, "cant wait for my own pot to piss in," the ginger man muttered, shaking his head.

     "so you'd been sharing that room for... business?" rosaline gave a look of disgust.

     axel nodded, "yea, ain't nowhere else to do all that."


     daryl wandered around the pantry beginning to pick out half the food. he gestured to rosaline and she came over, picking two boxes out of his hands and making her way back to the cell block accompanied by t-dog and rick.

     he shuffled over to the door which was opened by carl, "food's here."

     "what have you got?" the boy asked eagerly.

     he began to list off everything they had, "canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. there's a lot more where this came from."

     "thanks, kid," rosaline smiled as he shut the door behind them, following the guys the put their new food store away.

     rick gazed at glenn whilst strolling past, "any change?"

     "bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet," lori informed, grabbing onto the cell door with bloodied hands.

     rick paused for a moment, "take my cuffs, put them on him. i'm not taking any chances."

     carl wandered over, "i'll help you. give me one box." he offered to rosaline.

     "alright," she said bending down so the boy could grab one.

     slowly, they started to pack away all the food into a spare cell. in the background, lori raised her concern about the prisoners that were staying in the other half of the prison. rosaline decided to make her way back to daryl who was waiting for her. they were going to help the prisoners clear that cell block, so she had to be there to support them.

     she'd offered her help with hershel, but carol said that they'd done all they could in the time that they were dealing with the strangers.

     she'd zoned out for a moment until tomas lifted the same gun he had been threatening them with, "why do i need this," he gestured to the crowbar, "when i got this?"

     "too much noise," she replied, glaring, "it brings more of them."

     "you don't fire guns, not unless your back's up against a wall." daryl murmured, "you should take note of what she says. it really riles them up." he jerked his chin to rosaline.

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