Part 1

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"You bitch! You caused all of this!" Carman said, as she began slashing at you with the straight razor as you tried to dodge it.

The blade sliced through your neck as you stumbled back trying to put pressure on the wound, but to no avail as your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you fell to the ground. Carman dropped the knife, just as Paul looked in your direction, giving Andrew enough time to punch him square in the face, knocking him out and falling onto the ground.

As Andrew sneered at Paul's body lying on the ground, as he turned to face Carman, and saw that you were lying on the ground, blood everywhere, as he went towards you and kneeled next to you, holding your head.

"What have I done?" he asked, aloud.

"I'd be twice the wife she would. I love you." Carman said, as Andrew stared down at your face, as he got up, eyes narrowed, as he turned on her.

With a look of pure rage that she had never seen on him before, which scared her.

"Carman. You're a bloody wonder. Imminently practical, yet appropriate as always. As you've said repeatedly there's little point in dwelling on the past. Now come here, my love?" Andrew said, as he had the blade in his hand, as Carman looked at him apprehensively, as he looked back at her with narrowed eyes, and covered in your blood.

"Everything I did, I swear I thought was for the best," Carman said, unsure.

"Nothing to fear my love. What's dead is dead." Andrew replied, to reassure her, as he held out his hands to her.

"Can we still be married?" Carman asked, as Andrew spun them around and wrapped his arms around her, dancing her around the backyard amongst your and paul's body.

"The history of the world my pet. Is learn forgiveness and try to forget" Andrew sung, as he spun Carman around, as she looked up at him with loving eyes.

"And Life is for the alive my dear, so let's keep living it, let's keep living it!" Andrew shouted, as he spun Carman away from her while taking the blade firmly in his hand and slicing her throat, as she tried to scream, and gasp, as the blood poured out, as Andrew let go over her and pushed her off the cliff that the house was on, and watched her body tumble down.


Just as he was watching Carman's body tumble down the dirt cliff, he heard the sounds of sirens coming.

The cops.

He looked back at your dead body on the ground covered in blood, and Paul's still body, as well before hopping the dirt cliff.


The last thing that you remembered was Carman's face so close to yours, as she was trying to slash at you with the straight razor that was in her hand. And she did make contact.

Where you alive or dead or in-between? You thought as you heard a beeping noise that was close to you.

You opened your eyes and all you saw was the whiteness of the room, which after a quick look was a hospital room.

You felt like your head was splitting in two, as you look out the sliding door and saw that a nurse noticed that you were awake and went to open the door.

"Miss, Y/L/N, your awake." the nurse said with a smile.

You tried to talk, but the pain in your throat stopped you.

"Don't try and talk Miss Y/L/N, there are stitches in your throat. Your very lucky." The nurse said, as she went to check your vitals, as she updated your chart.

"There's a whiteboard you can use to communicate while you heal. And if you need anything at all just click the button on the remote and one of us will come." The nurse said as she handed you the whiteboard and the marker for it.

Learning From Love (learning to love again sequel)Where stories live. Discover now