Part 13

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You usually love sitting in the front seat of cars, this time though you would rather have taken a seat in the back next to Tommy and Eric. Because Paul was wearing that calm face from earlier, and it was freaking you out cause you knew that he was still pissed off.

"Well that was a punch if i ever saw one. never thought i would see gene's ass flying in the air..." Eric said, as you snorted, trying not to laugh, as you heard the smile in his voice.

"Yeah good to know we got a boxer for a bodyguard tonight." Tommy said, as you saw Paul in your peripheral vision looking in the rearview mirror at them both, as you heard a squeak sound behind you, which was probably from Eric.

Tommy cleared his throat, "who's in charge of Junior motormouth tonight?" he asked, as he leaned up closer to the driver and passenger seats, holding out his hand, as Paul rolled his eyes holding out his right hand, as you noticed that Tommy was holding out his hand, as they started doing rock paper scissors over who had to babysit Eric.

"y/n?" Tommy questioned, as you looked at him and then at Paul as they were both looking at you, like they were waiting for you.

"What?" you asked, as Tommy pulled one of your hands out.

"Your part of it too, just cause you're with Paul doesn't give you a pass at a chance for babysitting Eric tonight." Tommy said, as you laughed, as you played against them.

2 minutes later, and Tommy was the one that lost the game, twice.

"Looks like it's you and me again." Eric said, as Tommy groaned.


"Eric you wanna know what it's like to be 6ft tall?" Paul asked, as you looked back at Tommy and Eric as Tommy had a big smile on his face as Eric was sporting a scowl.

"Not falling for that one again. You and Tommy fucked me up last time because of that prank." Eric replied, making you curious as to what they were talking about.

"Yet you still can't keep your mouth shut when you need too." Tommy said, as you rounded a corner in the casino towards the entrance of the casino buffet.

You went to walk through the entrance, and found an empty table where you all sat. A waitress coming by quickly to take your drink orders.

You got up with Paul as you heard a "bye mom and dad" from Eric, as you laughed.

"You just made my point again, come on before he kills you jackass." Tommy replied, as you saw the same look that Paul had given Eric in the car, as you rolled your eyes.

"It's funny. Cause you know I'm even younger than Eric." You said, trying to get a smile out of Paul.


20 minutes later...

All sitting around the table, empty plates surrounding you, as you sipped at your drink, which was quick to change from a soda to a rum and coke quickly with the group you were involved with. You never could've thought beforehand that Eric was the troublemaker of the group, and Tommy was the buffer for everyone.

"I wonder what rhymes with brie..." Paul questioned, as you rolled your eyes

"Wine me, dine me, and sixty-nine me, I thought you would know by now, Paul" You joked, as you saw Eric taking a sip of his beer and starting to cough at your response, as Paul just looked at you with wide eyes.

Because unbeknownst to you, the little amount of alcohol hit you quicker than you thought. As you started laughing at each of their reactions.

"What I've thought about it..." You said, as you saw the realization cross Eric and Tommy's faces as they looked from you and Paul, who sighed.

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