Part 14

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You rolled over in the big master bed, as you felt arms grab you.

"Why are you awake?" he mumbled against your neck.

"Your snoring."You said pointedly, as he looked up at you, as you laughed.

"Not as loud as you." He replied, as he smiled.

"Even though I still kinda like it. It's cute." he said, as his fingers started playing with your hair.

"You have sex hair." he said, as you smiled at him

" so do you. It's everywhere." you said, as you started to try and fix his hair, as he took your hand in his.

"What's the point in fixing it when it's just going to be back to crazy sex hair?" he questioned, as he rolled over, bracing his weight on his arms as he stared down at you.

"You look tired." he said, as you smiled.

"We didn't do much sleeping last night." you pointed out, as you yawned.

"Before we stay in bed all day, which I wouldn't mind considering, that was my original plan when we came here. I'm just going to take a shower, check on the two stooges because I smell coffee. Just want to make sure that they aren't going to burn the house down." he said, as he kissed you before getting up out of bed, putting on his boxers from the night before and grabbing a clean set of clothes before going into the bathroom.

You rolled over in bed, setting your sights on catching up on some desired sleep when it hit you.

Paul said I love you to you last night.

The three dreaded words that you knew were going to come, but you thought that you would be the one to utter them for the first time, and possibly when you were stupidly drunk.

Not him saying it after having sex with him. Great sex. You thought, as all thoughts of sleep went away as your head started buzzing with all the thoughts that were going through your head, as you heard the shower turn off and you rolled over facing away from the bathroom door.

Hearing it open, as Paul came out quietly, and left the room, your head still full of those thoughts and one that was becoming more and more persistent.

What if he was just saying it cause he felt like he needed to? What if he ends up just like Andrew? You thought, as you laid in the bed, slowly getting up and taking a shower in hopes of getting your head wrapped around your thoughts.

You changed into your bathing suit, putting on denim shorts over you bottoms and a v-neck t-shirt over the top, slipping sandals on your feet as you walked into the kitchen.

"Hey y/n, thought you were going to sleep in a bit?" Paul asked, as you grabbed a cup and poured yourself a cup of coffee.

"Couldn't really go back to sleep so I just got ready." You said, as those thoughts were still in your head.

"We were talking about taking that boat out, what do you think? You wanna come along?" Eric asked, as you smiled.

"Not really, kinda hungover, plus i can get motion sickness, so you kinda don't want me on the boat." You said, as you saw Paul's face fall.

"Ok, I could stay with you. Keep you company while they take the boat out." Paul offered.

"No, you should go have fun." You said, as you noticed that they had a cooler already packed, and were all changed in swim trunks and shirts.

"I'll just stay, get some sun and read a book. You have fun though." You said as you kissed him as they all went to leave.

"You sure?" he asked again as you smiled.

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