Part 4

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You woke up the next day, curled up in the thick covers of the king-sized bed, as you heard Paul shift in his sleep next to you.

Last night Larry, one of the band's bodyguards, and from what you could tell the most trusted came to the house to install security cameras around the property and silent alarms everywhere. So if Andrew decided to come back he wouldn't be able to get to them before the cops came. Or Larry took him out. Paul insisted that Larry stay on as his personal bodyguard while at the house.

As you were thinking back on the previous night, you didn't notice that Paul was awake and looking right at you with a smile on his face.

"What are you thinking about y/n?" He asked, sleep evident in his voice as he went to shift in the bed to get closer to you, causing him to wince against the pain from his healing ribs.

"Paul you know they said to watch your movements." You replied, moving closer to him and moving his shirt up to reveal his ribs that had bruises all over them.

"You're avoiding my question y/n," Paul said as you felt his fingers in your hair, playing with it as he smiled down at you.

Because you had yet to adjust his shirt back.

"If you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask y/n?" Paul said teasingly, as you hurriedly moved his shirt back and looked up at him.

"You forget we have 4 more dates before that even happens, mister." You pointed out with a smile on your face, as you kick the blankets off of you and swing your legs on the side of the bed and got off the bed, readjusting the blankets back into place and saw that Paul was pouting at you.

"Really? 4 dates? We are still on that? I thought at least me trying to be your white knight in shining armor and saving you would at least count for 2." Paul said as you looked at him.

"Is he being serious right now?" You thought, as your old patterns of thinking when you were with Andrew was coming back. That was until you noticed the glint in his eyes, as he went to get out of bed as well.

"Fine, 4 dates it is y/n. But be very aware that you probably won't be able to hold out for very long. I have every intention of knocking your socks off." Paul said as you lent him a hand to help him up as you laughed.

"Literally or figuratively." You said as he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist and kissed you.

"Hmmm, a little bit of both I would think." He said as you both laughed going down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

And going downstairs expecting a mess of the house like it had been when you came back last evening but saw that everything was back in its place.

"How did you do this?" You asked as you both walked down the stairs.

"I had Larry bring in some people to rearrange everything and clean up all the broken glass last night while we slept," Paul explained, as he moved passed you to start the coffee, as you went to sit at one of the bar stools that was pulled in against the kitchen island.

"You know I could have done that myself." You said as Paul looked back at you.

"You shouldn't have to clean my house y/n, and it's an expense that I think paid for itself. Because if I had to do it myself who knows how long it would've taken for me to get to cleaning everything with my ribs having to heal up." Paul explained as he finished up with the coffee, as you listened to the machine start to percolate and starting to smell the smell of coffee dispersed throughout the kitchen.

"So I don't think I have anything going on in the next couple of days and I know that those clothes that you initially brought aren't going to be enough." Paul started as you looked at him, as a smile crept onto his face.

"What you wanna take me clothes shopping? Oh no. The clothes I brought are just fine." You said as you saw him raise a brow at that.

"y/n, all you had in that bag was pajamas which you're wearing now and another change of clothes and some lingerie that Amanda put in there. Unless you want to be walking around this house wearing the lingerie, which I wouldn't protest to at all.." Paul trailed off as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"Fine, but you aren't getting me an entire wardrobe I'm only staying here until your fully better because I don't want you falling down the stairs when no one else is here to find you." You reasoned as he smiled.

"Whatever makes you feel better y/n." Paul said as he smiled as he turned away from you to start making breakfast for the both of you.


"So we aren't taking the suburban?" You asked as Paul walked passed it, twirling a set of keys in his hands.

"Most of the time people assume celebrity when they see a blacked-out suburban. And we don't have Evan so we don't need to take it." Paul said, as he clicked a button and unlock the doors to a sports car.

"Oh and this will blend in more?" You asked rhetorically, as Paul opened the passenger door for you.

"No, it's just fun." He said, as he closed the door after you got in and got into the driver's side, as you put your seatbelt on.

Paul put the key into the ignition and hit the accelerator as you reflectively went to hold onto the center console, as Paul's hand went over yours.

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