Part 9

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You were getting out of the shower, wrapping a towel around yourself when you heard some noises in the master bedroom that was attached.

You peeked your head out of the bathroom, steaming coming out of the bathroom behind you, as you saw Paul doing through his closet.

"Hey what are you doing?" You asked, as Paul kept on moving hanger after hanger looking through his clothes.

"Trying to find something for tonight. Nothing seems right. I might have to go shopping." He said in a rushed way, as you eyebrows furrowed, as you stepped out the bathroom fully, holding onto the towel that was wrapped around you, as you shooed him over and went through his closet and looked at his clothes.

"What are you talking about. You have options. Well, what about the clothes you ended up buying at that shop a couple days ago?" You offered, as you looked over at Paul who was smiling at you.

"See this is why i have you around. You just know what to say to get my head on straight. Thanks." He said, as he kissed you as you smiled.

"No problem. Especially if me helping you comes with free kisses as payment." You as you went through the opposite side of the closet and picked out a dress and heels to change into.

You were going to change in the bathroom and turned around seeing Paul starting to primp in the mirror, as you laughed.

"What?" he said, as he turned his head in your direction.

"Need 5 minutes with your reflection there?" You asked, as he laughed, looking you up and down.

"After this movie premiere, you realize...well this'll be date 4." Paul pointed out, as you smiled.

"Oh I was more than aware of that. And I'm ready. Are you?" You asked, as your smile grew wider, as you set what you had fished out of your belongings before the shower onto the bathroom counter. The sound of metal hitting the counter made Paul look down at where your hand had been, as you walked away. Leaving him to look down at the metal rings of the cock ring, as he smirked.


You both walked out of the theatre, feeling the relief when you noticed that all the photographers with cameras were no longer outside it, waiting like vultures. You walked beside Paul, as a car pulled up, the driver coming out and opening the back door for Paul and you to get into, as you raise the end of your heavy gown.

Once the door was closed you leaned back against the seat and yawned.

"Don't tell me that movie was that boring." Paul said, as you looked to your side to look at him.

"No, I'm just tired. Didn't realize how much that was going to be. Never had that many cameras in my face before." You said, as you felt Paul's arms go around your shoulders, and pulled you closer to him, as you leaned you head against his shoulder.

"Yeah it can be draining. Which is why I had an idea that we could just leave here for a bit." Paul said, as you looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" You asked, intrigued.

"On a little vacation away from here. Out in a place where I know that we won't be bothered." Paul said simply as he smiled.

"So we are going to go home, take off these fancy clothes, get something comfy on and pack up our bags and leave." Paul said.

"After today you can't take me to the middle of nowhere and I'll be happy." You replied, as Paul laughed.

"Oh you'll see. It is practically the middle of nowhere. I think it's what we both need." Paul said, as you leaned your head against his shoulder for the duration of the ride back to his house.


After a quick shower to get the mass amounts of hairspray out of your hair, and makeup off your face, and some comfortable lounge pants and a hoodie were on you. You finally felt like yourself again. And you were hastily packing up a bag, throwing in all array of types of clothing, bathing suits and some lingerie. Since it came to you that after tonight your little date rule was obsolete.

Even if it had been your rule from the start, you still hated waiting but you wanted to make sure that this relationship wasn't just about sex, that you had a connection to Paul. Since the time that you had met him outside of that classroom, had been proving that he wasn't just his stage persona, or just about sex. He was a very nice guy. One that you could see having more than just a relationship with.

You noticed as you were packing, so was Paul, which gave you some hints at what to pack, light clothes, swim trunks, sunscreen. So it must be hot where you were going? You thought, as you took out some of the irrelevant clothes that you had put in your bag before.

"You good to go? I wanna try and get there. I mean right now there might not be any traffic, but honestly I just wanna get there so we can get some sleep" Paul said, as he zipped up his bag.

"Oh yeah 'sleep' is what we are calling it now." You joked, as Paul laughed, as he grabbed your bag and closed it, then kissed you.

"Come on, have to hurry so we can get that 'sleep' we've both been wanting." He said, as you both walked out of the house hand-in-hand towards the black suburban.


You were at least an hour and a half out but you were struggling to keep your eyes open.

"Hey your my wing-man driving. If you go to sleep, who knows if i go to sleep at the wheel." Paul said, as you opened your eyes.

"Correction. Wing-woman." You said, as you moved to the back seats to where the ice chest was and grabbed a water bottle to drink out of. Cause at least when having to pee you won't even bother going to sleep.

"Regardless, you snore." Paul said, as you put the cap on the water bottle.

"I do not snore." You said, as Paul laughed.

"You so do." He said, as you laughed, and looked at him in the driver's seat.

"Well you talk in your sleep." You said, as he looked at you shocked.

"What?" he asked as you smiled.

"You do talk in your sleep. And it's adorable." You said, as you saw Paul shaking his head and smiling, as you leaned more into your seat.

"No no no your not falling asleep!" Paul said as you laughed, as he went to turn on the air conditioning on full blast and turned up the radio, as you practically felt the vibrations of it in your body as you started laughing.

As you started dancing in your seat to "turn up the radio" by autograph as it pumped through the speakers, Paul joined along, as you both laughed.

"Turn up the radio, I need the music, give me some more"


A couple dozen songs later, and Paul was driving up a grade, as you noticed a smile creep on his face.

"Once we go over this grade your definitely going to know where we are headed." he said, which made you sit up a little bit in your seat, just waiting for the car to coast over the hill, as you saw a lit up city off in the distance, as it clicked in your head.

And you were playfully smacking him, as he laughed.

"You should've told me that you were taking me to Laughlin, NV! I could've been a little bit more prepared." You said, as Paul smiled.

"It was supposed to be a surprise. Own some property out here. Come here every so often to get away, thought that you might want to see it, and get away for a bit." Paul said, as he watch the excitement cross your face at this new information.

"Oh we are so going gambling and drinking and..." You said as Paul pulled you in for a kiss.

"And I'm going to make love to you finally." Paul said as he licked his lips and moved his focus back onto the road, as he felt you pull away humming in contentment.

"I look forward to it." You said, as you felt his hand go to you thigh, as you covered his hand with yours as you gave it a reassuring squeeze. 

Learning From Love (learning to love again sequel)Where stories live. Discover now