Part 8

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"First things first we are getting the hats." You said as you went through the entrance pulling Paul along behind you as he was trying to look at the map.

"Hey y/n slow down. We have all day." he said, as you turned around, waiting for him to catch up to you.

"It's better to get hats early, that place gets crowded pretty quickly." You stated, as you took ahold of Paul's hand, as he tried to keep in stride with you, despite the fact that you were the one that was the very significant shorter of the two of you, as you led him to where the mickey hats were sold.

You immediately walked into the store looking at the hats, and spotted an all black baseball cap hat that had Mickey ears on it. You picked up the hat and noticed that he was looking at the ones that people would get as newlyweds, the bride and groom mickey ears.

"Hey i think i found one that would look good with your outfit," you said, as Paul looked down at the hat in your hand as he took it and put it on his head.

"Now I get to find one for you." He said as he kissed you before walking away in the shop, as you went to follow him, as he stopped you.

"Nope you go to the other side and look at the souvenirs. Your hat is going to be a surprise." he said, as you smiled walking to the opposite side of the shop, and instantly getting entranced by all the little Disney knick-knacks.

You heard a rustling of a bag, which made you turn, seeing Paul with his mickey baseball hat and another hat in the bag, as he held out his arm you to take, as you both walked out of the Mad Hatter boutique.

Paul opened up the bag, handing you the hat, as you notice that its the same as his just that it was a minnie mouse version.

"Will you be the minnie to my mickey y/n?" he asked, as you started laughing.

And he started laughing.

"I know corny, just put the hat on." Paul said, as you smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." you replied, as you put the hat on, and walked hand-in-hand with Paul down main street.

"So I was looking at the map, what were thinking about going on first?" he asked you, as you looked at the map.

"Teacups?" he asked, as you looked up at him.

"You wanna flip that coin don't you?" You asked rhetorically, as you thought about it.

"Well I mean we didn't have that much for breakfast so I guess." You said, as you folded up the map.


You both stumbled out of the teacups, trying to get a grasp of how gravity was now you enemy trying to pull you down to the ground.

"Note to self never do the teacups ever again." You said, as you went to sit down on a bench, as Paul collapsed on it next to you with a sigh.

"Think we're gonna have to sit here for 5 minutes before we can go on the next ride." Paul said as you both sat on that bench until the waves of nausea subsided.

You jumped up on your feet once you felt better, going towards a stand and buying a water and walking back and handing it to Paul to drink, as he downed half of the bottle in one go.

"That was your pick so now its my turn." You said as you opened up the map and looked at it.

"How about splash mountain?" You asked, as you offered your hand for him to take to help him up.

"Sure, I mean might as well. It's getting hot out." Paul said, as you walked into the direction of Critter country.


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