Part 10

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Once Paul drove through the town and passed the block of casinos he went down a street and through the passcode gate to get to the property that was right on the river. Passing house after house you were starting to wonder which one was Paul's.

The question in your head was answered, when came up to a stop at the cul-de-sac where the biggest house sat.

"Of course." You said, as you smiled at Paul.

"What? It was a great deal. Had to put some work into it on the inside but it was totally worth it." Paul said proudly, as he got out of the car, and opened your door for you, as you both started to unpack the suburban of your bags, ice chest and some food that you had raided from the house back in Los Angeles before leaving.

You were starting to walk towards the kitchen, as you felt hands sweep you up off the floor.

"Hey I was just about to stock the fridge." You said, as you relaxed in Paul's arms as he carried you bridal style.

"Well that can wait." He said, as he spun you around in the opposite direction, making you think he was just going to straight up lead you into the master bedroom.

"I want to give you a tour of the place." He said, as he set you back down on your feet, as walked you back towards the entranceway again, as you shook your head.

There was never gonna be a moment where he wasn't surprising you.

He looked at you with a big smile on his face, that infectious smile.

"What do you think I was just going to take you into the master bedroom and have my way with you?" He asked, as you bite your lip.

"Honestly, yes." You said, as you felt Paul's hands go to your waist.

"While that is true, have to have the tour first, then dinner then we see where the rest of this night is going to take us." he said, even though you knew his mind was only focused on the promise of sex like you were.

"Plus I don't wanna scare you off just yet, when I've been able to keep you from running for the hills this long. And I have to be a gentleman." Paul said, as he adorably pouted at you.

"You mean you think you're going to be rewarded for being a gentleman this entire time?" You asked rhetorically, as he nodded.

"Of course." He said, simply, as you laughed at his response, as he spun you around and seemed to be going through the tour faster then he probably intended on coming off.

The house was beautiful inside, but also simple, matching the area they were in. An expansive enough kitchen to cook in, a big living room with a sectional couch that seemed to be able to fit at least 8 people on it. As well as a master bedroom, a bedroom that had two twin beds in it, and two other bedrooms that had queen-sized beds in them.

And then there was the back part of the house, as you stepped out onto the second floor patio to look down. Right on the water with its own launch ramp, trailer with a boat on it waiting to be put into the water. And then there was the pool and hot tub that you knew you would be definitely going on this long weekend.

"This place is really something. I mean I didn't think I would need this but I think I did." You said, as you looked out into the night sky and saw the stars that you never really got to see in the bright lights of the city.

"Yeah me too. Which is why I knew we had to come out here after the movie premiere." Paul said, as he stood behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he kissed the side of your face, as you smiled at the contact.

And then your stomach growled, breaking the silence.

"Well I guess that means that I need to start making dinner." Paul said, as you laughed.

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