Part 12

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You hopped into the shower hoping that would give your nerves some time to calm down since Eric and Tommy almost practically walked in on you giving Paul a blowjob in the kitchen.

You got out of the shower hearing hussed voices in the living room, as you changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

You exited the bathroom, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves as you walked out into the living room and saw all the guys were talking, and then stopping, and turning to face you.

"Don't even. If you mention it I'm throwing anyone of you in that river." You said, as the smiles that had been on Tommy and Eric's faces were wiped clean.

Benefits of them barely knowing you, is that they didn't know if you were being dead serious or not. You thought, as you went to the fridge to get something to drink.

"So I know you would wanna know why we came here.." Tommy started, as Eric interrupted him.

"When you mentioned going out to Laughlin we thought we would come out to hangout. We didn't know that you would be bringing y/n along." Eric said, as Tommy rolled his eyes.

"It was also to warn you. Because we thought that since you missed Gene's call at your house that it would be better to just you know come by. Let you know that Gene is pissed and on his way out here." Tommy said quickly, as he stepped back away from Paul.

"We left after the movie premiere so of course I wouldn't be aware that he left a message. What is he pissed about cause it couldn't have been from a missed call." Paul said looking at Eric and Tommy as they shared a look.

"I told you he didn't know." Tommy said, as Eric sighed.

"Apparently someone took pictures of you two while you went to Disneyland the other day. All over the forums now." Eric explained, as Paul gripped onto the kitchen island so hard that his knuckles turned white as he looked at the floor.

"And?" He asked, as both Eric and Tommy sighed, as they looked from him and then at you.

"It's not great, but it's not bad in comparison to some other people's posts." Eric said, as he looked from Paul to Tommy with a slight smile on his face, as you looked at him in confusion.

"It's better if you didn't know." Eric said simply, as he looked back at Paul.

"So he's pissed and told us that he was coming down, which is why we came. Wanted to warn you, and be a buffer in case anything went down." Eric said, as they heard tires coming up to the property.

"Right on time." Paul said, as he went to the bedroom, as he came out wearing a tshirt as you stood next to Eric and Tommy noticing that Paul's body language looked like he was pissed but his face remained calm.

"It's best if we keep a safe distance. Paul's calmness is always unnerving." Eric said, as he put his hand on your arm, as you followed them both out to the back of house, and out to the backyard, as Tommy went back in for a second, coming back out with a cold pack of beers. As you all sat outside on the patio set.


5 minutes later, half a beer down, and you were actually having a nice conversation with both Eric and Tommy when you all heard raised voices, which made you all get up and goes towards the front of the house.

Opening the door, as you saw Paul's fist connect with the side of Gene's face, as Eric's arms went around Paul and pulled him back, as Tommy went to push Gene back towards the car.

"You need to go now. We can all talk about this after we come back into town." Tommy said, as all you could notice was the look on Gene's face, who was holding eye contact with you, as he pulled his sunglasses back over his eyes.

"This is your fault. If you had not met Paul, our band being berated across forums wouldn't be happening right now." Gene said as Paul laughed.

"Kinda funny, I tried to talk to you about your PORN TAPE, making the band look bad but all you said was any press is good press." Paul said, as Tommy pulled him back towards the front door.

"Come on, calm down, let's just go back inside." Tommy said, as he hauled Paul back in, as Eric opened the door to the suburban pushing Gene into the passenger seat.

"I think communication like this would be better through email or by phone for a bit dude. Plus, we've seen the photos and they aren't as bad as that damn tape of yours that's still all over the internet." Eric said, as he shook his head.

"Plus y/n is good for Paul. He's happy which reflects better on the band entirely you know that." Eric said, as he shut the door and walked back over to you with a smile on his face, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Everything's going to be fine. We'll go out get some dinner, have some drinks. It'll be all good come tomorrow morning." Eric said reassuringly, as you both walked back into the house.

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